Chapter eleven

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"Don't go near him hunny!" a mom said when Tristan walked past them in the town. Little girl took her mother's hand and started running away from him. Yeah, go ahead. I am very dangerous and stuff! Tristan thought and opened the store's door. "Hello! Is someone here?" he asked friendly while walking in. There was an old woman standing behind the cash. "I am here", she said and looked deeply into Tristan's eyes. "How can i help you?"

"I'm looking for a job", Tristan explained and walked slowly towards the woman. "Oh yeah you must have seen it from the letter!" the woman said and suddenly her face got bright of happiness. "How old are you?" the woman asked. "I'm 15", Tris mumbled. "You are kind of young to have a full time job?" she said out loud. "Yeah i know but i really need the job, we are broke.. Please i am sure i can handle this job", Tristan begged. "How about your school?" woman asked. "I can handle it", Tristan said. She probably didn't have to know about his school things personally.

"So you are ready to work hours a day and recive 30 £ of your work in a month?" she asked. Tristan nodded. "Well. Sure i guess. You will start today. Come to work at 9 a.m until 7 p.m okay?" the woman asked. "Okay", Tristan said. "My name is Jennifer, nice to meet you..?" Jennifer said and gave a gentle hand shake. "I'm Tristan", Tristan answered.

After some hours of working in the store Filiph came to the shop. "What are you doing here?" Tristan asked. "The prince was trying to look for you at home. He didn't tell us what he wanted to say, it is only meant for you to hear or something", Filiph told. "Did you tell him that i'm here?" Tristan asked. "Well we didn't know if you got the job or not so no we didn't tell him anything", Filiph explained. Tristan nodded to his brother's words. "I got the job. 30 £ month but it will not help us to safe our farm", Tristan mumbled. "At least we have a home", Filiph sighed. "Keith warned me. He told that the king is not a fair man, so we might not have a home soon. Keep that in mind", Tristan whispered. "He told you personal things about his father!"

"Yeah but nothing else. It's not like we would be friends or anything." Tristan said raising his hands. "But still he was looking for you", Filiph chuckled. Tristan laughed. "Shut up he just had something to say to me!"

"What if he was about to tell you something important?" Filiph asked. "How much does this cost by the way?" he said and waved a jacket in the air. "20 £ and i don't know", Tristan answered. "No way bro", Filiph said and put the jacket back on it's place. Tristan chuckled. "Maybe this job is not bad after all!" he teased Filiph who laughed it off.

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