Chapter eighteen

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Keith ran. "Go! GO!" Tristan yelled as his only friend ran away from the front door. "Come back!" the king yelled. "You piece of shit!" he yelled and threw Tristan on the hard floor. Just then, a pile of wood dropped out of the fireplace. The floor caught on fire. Tristan was breathing hard.

The king looked scared for his live. He left the house running. Just then the king recognized that his own son had stolen his horse. "Fucking god!" he yelled and soon ran away from the burning house, leaving the boys behind. Not even looking back.

"Tristan!" Elijah screamed and tried to help his brother up. "We have to go! This place burns down!" Filiph yelled. "Comon Tris. Let's get you out of here!" Elliot yelled. He and Elijah helped Tristan to walk out of the house. Filiph followed near them with Jacob.

"We can't stay here, the forest will burn down", Elijah said. "Hold on Tristan, just a while anymore", Elliot whispered. Tristan had hurt his head pretty badly and it made him so much weaker.

After some hours the boys finally stopped walking. They had escaped from the village into an endless forest. "I have to sit down", Tristan whispered. Boys laid him down on the ground. "Will we die?" Filiph asked. "No.. No we won't", Elijah said. His voice was too weak to give hope to anyone but at least he tried.

Tristan was breathing hardly. He hold back tears, voice didn't leave him alone. It blamed him again again again and again.

Tristan, maybe even Keith gets killed because of you.. What a horrible person you are.

Tris slapped himself. "Woah, bro calm down", Elliot said and grabbed Tristan's hand. "We need to go, we have to find Keith", Tris cried out loud, he couldn't hold back his sadness anymore. "Calm down. We will eventually meet him, we are all trying to travel the same place remember?" Elijah tried to calm everyone down. "Your right", Jacob said and wrapped his arms on his chest. "Let's keep moving. We can't stay here forever."

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