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   Yoongi put up the mental block to his and Y/N's mind link channel and sighed tiredly, his hands covering up his face. He wasn't mad that she had told Woomin—it was an honest mistake. What actually worried him was the fact that Woomin was absolutely and undeniably in love with Y/N, and she just gave him ammunition that could one day be used against him. "Got dammit," Yoongi cursed into his hands. It was like the Moon Goddess just utterly despised him with everything in her.

   "Hyung?" The voice of Namjoon yanked him out of his thoughts and caused him to startle. He hadn't even smelled him coming, and Namjoon had a very distinct scent that he could usually smell a yard away. Jungkook must've given him the password to his studio.

   "What is it?" Yoongi sighed again.

   "You okay? You've been staring into your hands for quite a while now."

   "Lots of stuff on my mind."

   "I figured. Do you want me to get you anything?"

   Yoongi turned in his rollie chair and completely faced the younger rapper fully. "Do we have any meetings or important shit coming up?"

   "Ah, we have a meeting about the tour coming up tomorrow before lunch."

   Yoongi nodded. "And that's it?"

   "As far as I know, yes."

   Yoongi nodded again. "Good. I need a few days to visit some friends and get more inspiration."

   Namjoon's eyes widened. "You're being serious? You never take time off."

   Yoongi inhaled some of Namjoon's scent, which never failed to somehow calm him down when he was feeling stressed. "I've decided to take a stab at it. You and Hope always go on and on about how much it refreshes you, after all."

   A smile spread across Namjoon's face. "But of course, Hyung. Sometimes one needs to have a different scenery in order to gain inspiration."

   "I guess I'll be the judge of that, huh?"

   "I guess you will." Namjoon loved it when Yoongi or the other members took his advice. It made his scent become even better, which always worked out perfectly for Yoongi when he felt like smelling him. He made a mental note in the back of his mind to work on being more appreciative towards Namjoon more often.

   "I have a little bit more stuff to work on. You can see yourself out," Yoongi dismissed while turning back towards his monitors.

   "I can see when I am no longer wanted. Don't work too hard, Suga-hyung."

   "I never do," Yoongi scoffed while reaching for his headphones.

   "Lies!" Namjoon called out over his shoulder just before the door clicked shut. Yoongi clicked his tongue in silent laughter before pressing play on a song he had been working on.

   Of course, he wasn't actually planning on spending the little break that they had seeing friends. Yoongi didn't have that many friends outside of his members. Instead, he would be using that time to plan little dates with Y/N. He hadn't been spending nearly enough time with her. If they had met back when they were still living with their packs, they most likely would've already been fully mated and with a pup in tow by now—not like Yoongi is one to rush things in the first place, but they should definitely be further along in their relationship than a little make out session and—

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