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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3


   With a small smile on your face, you held Yoongi's free hand as he drove back towards your house. A piano instrumental that Yoongi had created filled the car with background noise, creating a comfortable ambiance. You didn't feel the need to converse, which made you happy. There was no need to try and get rid of any awkwardness, as there was no awkwardness to get rid of.

   The date was absolutely perfect. The ice skating rink was relatively empty, so you and Yoongi were able to do as you wished freely without the worry of any prying eyes. Yoongi still had to wear a mask, however, so you wore one as well in order to not cause any suspicion. You both already knew how to skate, so most of the time, you both just skated leisurely around the rink while holding each other's hands and talking about your lives and sharing stories with each other. When Yoongi found out you knew how to do some tricks on the ice due to there being a lake that froze every winter in the center of your pack's grounds, he had you teach him—he wasn't able to get any of them down, but it was still fun for you to teach him and for him to learn. All and all, the date was just what you needed after all the headaches you'd gained from dealing with Woomin.

   "You sure you want to handle the cooking by yourself? I think of myself as a pretty good cook, so it could be kind of fun cooking together," Yoongi spoke up for the first time since getting into the car. The two of you were on your way back to your apartment, where you had proposed cooking for him.

   "As fun as that sounds, I want to be able to show off my cooking to you. Need to show you everything that I'm good at so you like me even more," you said while lightly stroking his hand. Yoongi snorted and slightly shook his head.

   "Whatever you say."

   Yoongi pulled up into the parking lot of your complex and the two of you made your way up the stairs and to your condo. You quickly put in the key code and opened the door for him, showing him some slippers that he could use and climbing into your own. "You can sit on the couch and play my Switch or something while you wait—Oh! Shit!" you cut yourself off while staring into your living room, where Woomin sat on your couch, reading one of your books. You felt Yoongi tense up beside you. You had completely forgotten that Woomin was still at your house.

   "Oh, you're back," said Woomin when he got a whiff of your scent. You watched as his eyes moved to Yoongi, who was still standing tensely and stiffly beside you. "How was the date? Everything went well?"

   "Um, yeah," you replied awkwardly while twiddling with your fingers. "I'm sorry, Yoongi," you apologized through the mind link. "I completely forgot he was here. We can go somewhere else if you want . . ?" you trailed off at the end, unsure of what else to say.

   "No. It's okay. I can use this time to try and get to know your best friend better."

   Your face scrunched up. "Are you sure? This is a date, after all."

   "I'm quite sure. I'll be fine."

   "You two having a silent conversation over there? Talking shit about me?"

   "No, shut up," you scowled while rolling your eyes. "I'm about to cook, but I'm only making Yoongi something. You better call something in," you stated while making your way over to your kitchen.

   "Why? It's not going to cause you any harm if you just make an extra portion!" Woomin exclaimed annoyedly. Yoongi quietly walked over to the other end of the couch and sat as far away from Woomin as he could. He would have to talk to you about getting a comfortable chair or something because he didn't want to be put into a situation such as this one ever again. Woomin was quite a big man, and with him sitting with his back to the couch arm rest, he was taking up almost the entire couch.

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