036: Argue

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"You didn't even think to tell me about Daniel's condition!" Jungwon yelled

We just got home from the hospital, I wanted to stay but we have to go to school.

I decided to ignore him since I wasn't in the mood to fight with him after everything that happened today.

"I'm talking to you!" He yelled again while I'm walking up the stairs to our shared bedroom.

"I'm not in the mood to fight with you." I uttered weakly

"What the hell is wrong with you these days!? One day you're all sweet and loving towards me and the next day you're ignoring me." He said with annoyance visible through his voice.

I stopped walking, I looked back at him and scoffed.

"Oh, so I'm the problem now? What's wrong with me!? Do you hear yourself!? You're asking me what's wrong when you're not even thinking about the actions you've been showing." I defended

He inhaled deeply before walking up the stairs, I crossed my arms waiting for him to get closer to me.

He run his hand through his hair as soon as he arrived in front of me. I looked down at him because he's 2 steps below me.

"Look, baby-

"Don't 'baby' me." I said coldly

"Fine, look, I don't want to argue... so why don't you just tell me what I did wrong? Hmm?" He said as he reached out for my hands and held it.

I faked a smile at him before pulling my hands away from him and I turned my back at him and continued to go to our shared bedroom.

I could hear him following me from behind, I went inside the bedroom. I removed my jacket and placed it on top of the bed.

"Is it about Seri again?" He asked, I didn't reply.

"It is about Seri." He scoffed, "Chelsea, we've talked about this. I broke up with her because you wanted me to, what more do you want me to do!?" He raised his voice

I looked back at him.

"You seriously think that breaking up with her solves everything? Breaking up with her comes with something called moving on, yes, you did break up with her but are you even trying to move on?" I said

"You think I'm not trying?" He raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.

"To be honest, yeah. You're not even trying." I said

"How did you say so, hmm? Tell me." He said

"First of all, ever since you two broke up, you've been talking about the memories you two made. Maybe you don't realize that you're telling it to me. Second of all, during your sleep... you said 'I love you, Seri'. Lastly, you didn't even think twice to go to the hospital to check up on her. You went straight there went her mom called. Is this enough for you?" I said before sitting down on the bed.

"Argh, fuck." He mumbled before messing with his hair.

I just stood up and went to the closet to get my pajama and went to take a shower.

I finished taking a shower and doing my night routine before going out of the bathroom.

Jungwon is waiting outside the bathroom door while holding his clothes. I just glanced at him before going to the bed and lied down.

I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes before deciding to stand up and went out of the room. I went to the balcony and sat down on the big beanbag.

I put my legs up on the beanbag and hugged it while staring at the vivid stars shining brightly. I smiled sadly while thinking about Daniel.

I couldn't help but shed tears quietly on the thought of losing my only brother. I love him and I can't imagine my life without him.

I calmed myself after a few minutes, I decided to remove the negative thought and replaced it with a clear and positive mind.

I shivered as the cold breeze touched my bare skin, I slightly flinched when I felt a blanket covered my body.

I looked behind me just to see Jungwon leaning on the sliding door of the balcony.

He's wearing a hoodie paired with sweatpants, his hair is still wet and some water dripped from his hair.

"Still going to ignore me?" He spoke

"None of your business." I said

"It is my business, I don't want you ignoring me. You've been ignoring me for a whole week." He said

I looked at him and gave him a glare. He slightly chuckled, he scratched the bridge of his nose and pushed his wet hair back.

I'm not going to stop ignoring him until I hear the words that I'm waiting for him to say.

"I'm sorry, my emotions is taking over me and I didn't even try to cope with it." He said

Finally. The words that I've been waiting for, "I'm sorry".

"This time, I promise to-

"Don't promise. I don't like promises." I said

"Okay, uhmm... I prom- fuck, no, I will try to- no, not try, I will cope with it and move on." He said

"I know that I can be confusing but I'm not pushing you to move on quickly, I just want you to try and start to get over it." I said as I stared at him.

He gave me a small smile before walking closer to me.

"Can I sit down?" He asked, I nodded.

He sat down on the beanbag with me, we looked at the sky and admired the pellucid sky.

"Do you forgive me now?" He suddenly asked

I just hummed as an answer.

"Maybe try wording your answer because I'm not sure what 'hmm' means." He slightly chuckled

"Yes." I replied

"Okay then." He said

He lied down on the beanbag, I looked at him confusedly when he patted my back.

"What?" I asked

"Cuddle with me." He said

I raised an eyebrow at him and shook my head.


Please. God, help me.

I sighed before lying down on his arm to serve as my pillow.

"Hug me, I'm cold." He said

I scoffed before hugging him, he gladly hugged me back and he moved his face to the crook of my neck. I could feel the air coming from his nose on my neck.

I suddenly felt sleepy and actually fell asleep while hugging him. He's my comfort after all.

- 3rd person -

Jungwon noticed that Chelsea is already sleeping so he slowly removed his arm that she's sleeping on and stood up.

He fixed the blanket before carrying Chelsea to their bedroom. He placed her on her side snd tucked her in, he lied down beside her and hugged her by the waist.

"Goodnight, baby." He whispered as he kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose before dozing off.


I miss you guys! I'm back! I'm already sleepy, it's almost 3 am. Sorry for leaving you guys hanging for more than a month, fron now on, I'll update from time to time. Goodnight / Good morning, ily all ! <3

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