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Ughh school. Dohwa complained. Bro you don't even pay attention in class. So? That doesn't mean I can't complain about it. Yk Ruby does have a point you don't pay attention. NOT YOU TOO DEREK?! Bro shut up I have a big headache. Eunhyeok said coughing. Yoekie you sure you feeling ok I think you need to go home. Nah I'm ok I'll just sleep it off besides its only a cough and a headache. Ok...

Hey Ruby! Hey Nevaeh! I missed you; I was so sad that we couldn't hang this weekend. She said hugging me. Aww its ok maybe the weekend after this one? Sure! Wow Ruby, you didn't tell me that the quiet girl is this cute. Dowha said checking her out. T-thank you but I heard about you, rumors say that you are a player and that you don't date anyone from our school and you makeout with one of your random fangirls. He chuckled. Well, all of it aint true but I'll date a girl from our school if its you. Alright that's it stop flirting with my bestfriend you weirdo. Ok class go to your seats you have 30 seconds till class star. Today we'll be talking about........


I notice that Eunhyeok looking really pale. I bought him a hot tea to calm his headache down a lil bit, but he feels a lil warmer than usual, but he said he's ok so I'm not gonna bother him about it. After this period, we have p.e. but we're not gonna do anything because we have a prep ally and I know its gonna last the whole period so I aint trippin. Ruby. Eunhyeok said whining. Yes? Next period can you sit by me I want to lay down. Ok yeah but I'll try and sit next to you. Ok. he said pouting. WHY IS ACTING SUCH A BABY?! I'M NOT COMPLAINING BUT IN SCHOOL IS CRAZY I CAN TELL HE DOESN'T FEEL GOOD THO. I felt Eunhyeok put his head on my shoulder. Hey can I tell you something? Yeah, Yeokie wassup? He came closer and kissed my cheek. Hehehe your so pretty Ruby. Thank you I get that alot from my bae. Who your bae? You. HEHEhehe I'm so lucky yk I have a pretty almost girlfriend in the whole world. The bell ranged for 2nd period.




I went to find Lily and Alex while Eunhyeok followed me like a lost puppy. Alex! Lily! Over here! I shouted. RUBY!! They both shouted. Then we see Derek with su-ae and her friends with Luke and Gabe coming towards us. After we all were together, we sat down. Immediately when I sat down, Eunyeok laid his head on my lap, then I automatically rub my fingers through his hair to sooth him.


Everyone was cheering.


Everyone started to boo.


Then everyone yayed to that.

After that I wasn't paying attention to whatever they were saying but then I noticed the new boy, Cam looking at my direction. Wtf is his problem why can't he give up I'm obviously not interested in him, and I know he see this nigga laying on me. I tried to ignore him, but the nigga started coming to my direction. Hey Ruby, right? All of my friends looked at him like he was crazy. No, it's actually Y/n only my fam and friends call me that. Oh, ok Y/n I know last time I cornered you into a wall, but I came to ask you like a gentle man I am on a date. Then Alex, Lily, Nevaeh, Luke, Gabe and Derek were laughing at how stupid he sounds and look. Nigga I know yo dumbass see a whole ass kigga laying on her lap. Ok and? His point is that obvious she ain't gone go on a date with you. Luke said. Well Y/n you got ig? Maybe we can be friends? Um nah I'm good Luke, Gabe, and Derek are the only home boys I need so you can gone about your day plus this kigga that's on my lap right here. Yeah, what about him? Yeah, he crazy so I advise you to stop trying before he beat the shit outta you. Tch, you gone be mine one day just watch you'll see. Mhm I'll pray about it.

I felt Eunhyeok grip on me and see him sweating. I felt his forehead and it was burning up. Wait.... That day when he came over and I wasn't feeling good I kis- OMG NOOO I GOT MY BABY SICK-. Eunhyeok you sure you ok you don't look so good. Yeah it's just hot in here. Oh ok. Alex said.


Guys I've been thinking about getting my own apartment. I spoke. Huh what made you want to do that? Well... Lately I have been thinking moving out but like way before this happened between me and my sisters. I told mom and she said she would help me look for some and she'll help with my bills. Aww Mrs. Shim is so nice this is why we stan her. Lol yall stand her like she's a kpop idol. But if you want to Ruby then go for it. I might just wait like another week or few months because I already know how dad and su-ae is gonna react if I told them that I was moving out. I know right Mr. Shim and su-ae probably be like "No YoU dOn'T mEan ThAt Do YoU? i ThOuGhT yOu LoVeD uS?!" Gabe said. Lmao they would. Said Lily. Hey since we weren't able to hang out together last weekend how about the weekend after this, we have a girl sleep over?! Lily asked. Ouu yes that'll be fun. Nevaeh said. Fr we could prank call people and really have girl talk. Alex said. Right, but who house? I asked. We can do mine my parents won't care. Alex said. Ok, I'm so excited I get to see my besties Amora and Ariel. I spoke. I'm excited to meet them. Nevaeh said. You'll love them trust me. Lily and I said. Ok but what about me and Luke? Right yall just leaving us out. Aww I'm sorry love maybe next Friday we all go to the arcade or something. Ok deal.



Ok so what are we doing for our project? su-ae asked. Well, what I was thinking to attract a kids eye we put like candy or anything that kids like.  That's smart and we could put maybe like mermaids and ocean animals on it. Nick suggested. Yeah, and maybe a little bit of glitter. Eunhyeok said. Ok that's it for today tomorrow we'll meet at Eunhyeok house to discuss further information. Nick said. Ok. Me, su-ae, and Eunhyeok were about to walk off until we seen his father with our art teacher. Su-ae tried to cover Eunhyeok eyes so he wouldn't see but I tried explaining to her that he already knows about it. Su-ae chill I already know that my father is having an affair with our art teacher. I can tell deep down that pains him, but he tries to hide it.





I went home and did my night routine and changed to my pj's then Euhyeok called me and like always, we fell asleep on the phone talking about whatever there was to talk about.

Ma. Hmmm? I said responding to Yeok. Do you wanna go out to eat on a drive through movie date? Yes when? I said sleepishly because he woke me up asking me this. Umm not this weekend or next but that next next weekend? Yeah. Ok that's all I wanted momma goodnight. Mmm goodnight. I said falling back to sleep.

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