Birthday Sleepover

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Today Colby is finally turning 19! We have been best friends since I was five and he was 7. Colby doesn't want to celebrate his birthday this year but what kind of best friend would I be if I let that happen? So I got him a gift, his favorite cake, and I'm surprising him at his house since I have a key. Ok Colby will be home in 10 minutes I thought to myself knowing he's out and I have to wait for him so I don't take any chances of him seeing me. *ding* "Hey I just got home, when did you want to come over?" It was Colby, I went ahead a started leaving for the store as I replied. "Uh I guess I'll be there around 6 ish" It was 2:30 right now so I should be done shopping around 3:00 then I'm going to stop to get the cake made which would take maybe an hour for a fresh one and the cake place is 10 minutes from Colby's so really I'll be there at 5 ish but I'm surprising him so that's the point.

~time skip bc I don't know what to write~

I finally got everything and it was 4:30 yes! Colby is gonna be so surprised! I am so happy that I'm actually on time. When I got to Colby's house I fumbled with my keys until I found his and opened the door. I sat the stuff on the counter and started to set everything up.


I made my way up to his room. " oh fuck" I heard faint groans, and Colby's parents were gone. "F-fuck Jaz" Oh. My. God. My name is Jasmine but everybody calls me Jaz for short. I walked to Colby's door and peeked to see him jerking a picture of me! What the fuck?! I didn't know what to do so I quietly walked back downstairs and sat down on the couch taking what I just witnessed. "Holy shit" I whispered to myself. I decided to act like I didn't see anything and just walked to the front door and slammed it. "COLBY!!!! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY YOU BITCH COME DOWN!!" I yelled. He didn't say anything so I walked up to his room. "Colby?" I knocked on the door and acted like I knew nothing. "y-yeah, just give me a minute" He sounded so out of breath, not surprising but he can't know I saw him. "Are you ok? You sound out of breath" I held in a wheeze as I was trying to act.  "Y-yeah," He said. I waited outside the door for 2 minutes before he opened the door. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" I Jumped on him giving him a hug and he quickly wrapped his arm around my waist and the other under my thighs making sure I don't fall...I hope, but I wouldn't mind if it wasn't just that ;). "Well hello to you too" He chuckled and pulled his neck back a little because I had my head in the crook of his neck. "Happy birthday" I smiled ear to ear while he was still holding me. "What did you do" His smile dropped and his head tilted to the side. "I don't know what you mean" I smiled even more. "Sure you don't" He laughed sarcastically as he softly put me down. "Come on Jaz" he rolled his eyes playfully as he dragged me down with him. "Seriously Jaz" He laughed looking around at the decorations I set up. "Obviously, what kind of best friend would I be if I let you not celebrate your BIRTHDAY?!" I asked enthusiastically. He rolled his eyes playfully and smiled at me. "thank you" He laughed. "Yeah, that's what I thought" I smiled back pushing him slightly. "What?" He turned around with an evil grin. "Wait, no, Colby," I said backing up. "I didn't mean it" I started speeding up. "You should have thought about that, now come here!" I started running upstairs as I laughed as I was getting away from him trying to tickle me. "NO NO NO!" I yelled as he caught up, but I should've known, he plays football, baseball, and basketball while all I do is volleyball and cheer. "NO!" I screamed as he grabbed my waist and pulled me back. "HA! you can't tickle me if you have to hold me" I laughed at him and he started walking. "Wait...where are you going" "We're going to my room," He said as he held me by the waist with one hand, my back being against his chest. "Nooooo" I started wiggling trying to get out of his grasp. "You're not gonna escape so you might as well accept your fate" I just went limp and let him continue walking accepting the fact that I was too weak. He walked into his room and I looked up at him for mercy. "Nope," He laughed and threw me on the bed immediately tickling me, giving me no time to escape. "Ah C-Colby st-stop" I laughed trying to grab his hands but he continued. "M-mercy" I laughed more my eyes closing as I laughed even harder. "No" He laughed at me. "PLEASE! HAVE MERCY!" I laughed even louder as laughing tears started to form. "Ok, fine" He laughed at me once more. "Why do you always tickle me" I pout as I panted being out of breath and wiping my tears. "If you must know, it's because I love to hear your laugh" he smiled at me. "But why?" I asked.

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