Goalie Girl

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(Before we start just know that I don't know anything about hockey besides they have a goalie and they skate on ice🤷‍♀️)

"All right team, before we start practice I would like to introduce our new goalie" My whole body was shaking with nerves but I pushed them away and skated out with all my gear on. "Oh my god- Coach we can't have a GIRL for a goalie, we'll lose every game" The whole team agreed with who I'm guessing is the captain. "Actually we CAN have a girl, and I'll bet she'll block every one of y'all shots" he crossed his arms and I just smiled slightly, slowly raising my head. "Yeah right, she's probably too scared she'll break a nail" the captain mocked me and I rolled my eyes. "Ok then, if she blocks your shot she's the new captain" He scoffed at his coach. "Ok, but if she doesn't she's cut" he stared daggers at me and I looked at the coach in fear. "Ellie you're fine, you've blocked much better before" Doug, aka coach, whispered in my ear and I nodded. "Deal" Couch said shaking his hand. "Now that that's over, please introduce yourselves" the coach pointed at everyone. "I'm James" a cute tall dirty blonde waved and I smiled at him. "Ryan" "Jeremy" "Liam" "Andrew" "Thomas but you can call me Theo" "Grant" Each of my new teammates introduced themselves and then finally I came to the captain. "I'm Sam, and don't even think about taking my spot" he rolled his eyes and skated off. "Don't worry about him, he'll warm up eventually" coach patted my pack and I skated over to the goal. "Ok it's 1v1 first point over. If Sam scores he stays captain and sadly we'll have to find a new goalie, but if Ellie blocks Sams shot she stays and become captain" Coach explained sliding Sam a puck as I skated over to the goal, passing by Sam. "Stay in your lane rookie" He slightly shoved me but I just ignored him and got into position. "Come on Sam, hit it the hardest you ever have" Sam smirked at Grant and then glared at me getting ready to hit. He started skating at me full force and when he was about 5 feet away he took his stick back and then suddenly the puck was coming at me about 20 mph(I don't know how fast you can hit a puck but if that's too slow just pretend it fast)and I was terrified but I pushed away my fear and I tried my best to block. "No fucking way" Sam dropped his stick in anger. "Language Sam" I smiled widely as I saw that I had blocked it, I was the captain now "Here Sam, you should keep it" I picked up the puck and shoved it into his chest. "Well, there you have it everybody" The coach smiled. "Ellie is our new goalie and our new captain" I smiled and The only people I saw smiling for me were Theo and Liam. Theo skated over to me and leaned down to my ear. "personally, I think having a pretty goalie will benefit us" I blushed under my mask and smiled at him. "Thanks" I giggled a bit. "Lucky block" Sam scoffed and shoved me down, knocking my mask off. "Sam what the hell" Liam and Theo shoved him, but not hard enough to knock him down. "Alright alright," Coach pushed them apart as the rest of the team just stood there. "Sam, go home. You're benched for the week" "WHAT?! What about the big game Saturday" Sam yelled angrily. "I'll call you if I change my mind, now go" He pointed to the door and Sam stormed out. "Ok now that that's over, time to practice" Coach clapped his hands and smiled as the rest of us skated out.

Saturday Morning

It's time finally the day of the big game and coach still hasn't told Sam if he was playing or not. He was allowed to come to the practices but still doesn't know if he'll be playing or not, and thankfully we're on good terms now. Over the week he apologized and we've actually become pretty good friends but he's still a dick to me, just not like how on the day we met. "ELLIE YOU BETTER GET READY YOUR GAME IS IN AN HOUR!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. "Hunny I'm really sorry but I don't think I'll be able to make it to your game, something at work came up and-" I cut her off. "It's ok mom, I understand just be there if you're able" I smiled at her and she hugged me as I ate. "Bye hunny, I love you" She said as she grabbed her keys. "Love you too" I said with a mouth full of cereal as she walked out the door. "Shit" I said as I pulled out my phone and saw I had three missed calls from coach. *ring ring ring* Mh phone rang for what felt like forever when finally he picked up. "Oh my god finally!" He yelled into the phone. "My bad, I was asleep you called me at FIVE AM" I yelled as I finished my cereal. "Well it's important, the game got rescheduled and now you don't have and hour, you have five minutes" my mouth hung open and my eyes went wide. "FIVE MINUTES I LIVE LIKE 40 AWAY" I yelled putting my empty bowl in the sink and running up to my room to get ready. "Ok ok, I'm getting ready right now I'll be as fast as I can and also have you called Sam back? You know we need him" "Well no bu-" "COACH! You haven't called Sam, the game is rescheduled, AND YOU KNOW SAM LIVES FARTHER AWAY THAN I DO" "ok I know I know" he sighed "I'll call him right now, I'll see you there" "ok bye coach" "bye" we hung up and and I started getting ready. "Shit shit shit" I grabbed a fist full of my hair because I couldn't find my jersey. "Oh thank god!" I said in relief when I saw it laying across my desk chair. I quickly put it on and rushed to the bathroom to do my hair.  "Good enough" I sighed in frustration at the lack of cooperation from my hair. "Ok, get your shit and leave" I told myself as I gathered my gear and started looking for my keys. "Few" I said in relief when I found them under my jacket.

Sam Golbach and Colby Brock one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now