High School Party

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Guys I'm so sorry for not updating in a while but I just haven't had any motivation but I'm back!! Also, this is a very long story so be prepared.

"Hey baby" I saw Mr. Colby Brock walking up to me with a huge smirk. "What do you want Brock" I gave him a glare as I closed my locker making my way to the door. "I want to know if you're going to Jake's's party tonight," He asked following me to my car. "And what if I am? Why does it concern you" He shrugged. "I wanted to know if you were so I could beat you in a chugging competition" He smirked as we both stood in front of my car. "Sure," I smirked getting into the driver's seat. "Just don't use my shoulder to cry on when I beat you" I smirked talking to him through the window. "You wish!" He yelled as I drove off.


"How was school hunny" My mom smiled at me as I walked through the door. "Same as every day, Work, work, Colby annoying me every 5 seconds, and more work" I smiled back hanging my keys up. "Oh Hunny, Colby probably just likes you, don't take his actions to heart" I rolled my eyes. "Mom, we're enemies. No feelings other than hate, he annoys me and I annoy him" My mom laughed. "Whatever you say hunny, also what time will you be home? I got your text about the party" She asked as I walked closer to the stairs. "Uuhhh I really don't know but if I do end up staying the night I'll try my best to call or text you" She nodded. "Okay hunny, just be safe" She smiled as I walked up to my room. "Ok!" I yelled as I shut my door. *ring ring ring* I pulled my phone out of my pocket and saw that Colby was calling me.


"Brother NO!" Jake yelled at me as I pulled my phone out calling her. "Colby how the fuck are you already THIS drunk you just pre-gamed?!" "I don't...know" I slurred laughing as I dropped my phone. "Brother...who are you calling" Jake gave me a stern look. "C-Cloe" I smiled at the thought of her. "Oh no" He whispered as he reached for my phone but I quickly jerked it away. "What Brock" She answered. "hey d-darling" I hiccuped. "Are you drunk?" N-no" I laughed and saw Jake hit his face in the palm of his hand out of the corner of my eye. "Oh my god your drunk" She laughed, god her laugh was beautiful.  "How are you already this drunk" She laughed more. "I asked the same thing!" Jake chimed in and I quickly shot him a glare. "Jake how the fuck did you let him do this, it's still an hour till the party?!" She asked and Jake took my phone. "Heyyyy," I said drunkenly. "How is it my fault?" Jake asked offendedly. "Your the one whos supposed to be watching him!" She yelled jokingly. I huffed as Jake was talking to Cloe more than I ever do. "ME?! He's more than capable of taking care of himself" Jake laughed. "It's Colby. You should've known better" "Ok that is true but now I have no one to help me set up because Mr. Smarty Pants decided to pre-game way too much " Jake shot me a glare and I could hear Cloes laugh through the phone. "Oh well if you want, I was just about to get ready I can come early and help" "YEAH! That sounds great!" Jake said excitedly. "Ok," She laughed and I could just picture the smile on her face. Her beautiful, beautiful face. "Sounds great, I'll see you later" "Alright, bye!" they hung up and Jake gave me my phone back. "Quit pouting and go drink some water," Jake said picking me up off the ground as I had sat down as they were talking. "No" I huffed and crossed my arms. "God I forgot how much of a baby you are when you're drunk" Jake rolled his eyes. "I'm not a baby!" I huffed more. "Fine sit here but I don't think you want Cloe to see Mr. bad boy Colby Brock sitting in the floor acting like a big baby" Jake raised his hands and walked off and my eyes widened. "Wait noooo" I whined. "Help me up" I raised my arms up and Jake laughed and helped me up. "Whoah there," Jake said as I almost fell. "Drink some water, she'll be here in like an hour" I nodded and walked to the kitchen.

Cloe's POV

Jake hung up and I started to get ready. I tied my hair up and went to look through my closet. As I looked a found a sexy/cute dress that was perfect for a party. I took it out of my closet and slipped it on.

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