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Shit. I was stuck in a big room with one, small, dim light. Everything was silent and it was freaking me out. "Hello!" I yelled and heard nothing but silence. I went to move my arms but couldn't, I was tied up. I tried to move my feet but they were tied up too. I started to panic and squirmed around as hard as I could to try and break free but it was no use. "HELP!" I yelled as loud as I could and finally, I heard a door open. I snapped my head around to see a tall, dark figure standing in the doorway. "Shit the duck up before I kill your little boy toy" the figure said harshly and I was even more terrified than before. "W-what"  I said in disbelief. "You heard me. So if I were you I'd hush, he doesn't look to good"  he said nodding his head to the right and turned the light on for me to see. I turned my head around slowly and to my horror I saw Colby tied up with cuts all over his body as blood streamed down him. "COLBY!" I yelled in horror as the tears began to fall. "S-Sav" he looked up slowly with the little energy he had left. "Pl-please don't hurt him" I sobbed  as I watched Colbys head fall. "No Colby! Stay awake, y-you have to stay awake!" I sobbed louder and I watched Colby raise his head again. "I-I love y-you"  He smiled slightly and I smiled a bit too. "Alright! Enough of this lovey-dovey shit!" The figure yelled as it walked closer to Colby. "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" I yelled as he raised his hand. "No..."  My voice softened as I realized it was holding a gun. "NO PLEASE" I pleaded and it just smirked at me. Colby looked at the figure and back at me as he smiled slightly. "I love you so much, Savanna" was the last thing  I heard him say before  BANG "COLBY!"  I shot up from my bed and looked around frantically as I panted heavilly. "Colby" I looked around and didn't see him. I got up quickly and started to look around the room. "Colby!" I spoke louder. "COLBY!" I yelled as I still hadn't found him. Our bathroom door open and I saw Colby. "Wow, Sav, what's wrong" I ran over to him quickly and jumped into his arms causing him to stumble back a bit. I put my head into the crook of his neck and sobbed. "Sav, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He softly pulled my head back as he walked back to the bed. "Y-you" I chocked on my tears. "I what? What did I do?" He asked as he sat down on the bed with me in his lap. "Y-you died" He looked at me like I was crazy. "I had a n-nightmare w-where we were t-tied up a-and there was th-this guy, h-he hurt you a-and I begged h-him not to b-but he didn't c-care, he told me th-that he was s-sick of our 'l-lovey-dovey' sh-shit and he g-got r-really close to y-you a-and he r-raised a g-gun to y-your head" I sobbed hard into his neck and he just pet my head trying to calm me down. "I'm right here baby and I'm not going anywhere" He smiled and I choked on my tears as I tried to stop crying. "Pr-promise" I looked at him with a soft gaze. "Promise" He smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. "Wanna go to sleep now" He asked as we pulled away. "I don't w-wanna" I said because I was to scared to.  "Ok..." He thought for a moment. "How bout we do a movie night? It's" He looked at our clock. "4 am, we don't have anything to do, and I'll make us breakfast in bed" He smiled and I smiled back at him. "That sounds amazing" I smiled widely. "Ok, wipe those tears and I'll go make breakfast while you pick a movie" He wiped my tears and got up and walked to the door. "Wait!" I yelled making him stop in his tracks. "Yes?" He looked back at me. "Don't leave me" I spoke softly and he tilted his head at me giving me a smile. "I'll be fine Sav" He laughed sweetly. "Can I just please come with you? I'm scared" I looked down shyly. "Of course you can come on" I smiled and jumped up. "yay" I smiled and jumped onto him holding myself up by wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Carry me?" I smiled in a pleading way and he laughed. "Sure" He laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me up. "What do you want?' He asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Pancakes" I smiled and he nodded. "The microwaveable ones or like use the mix," He asked. "microwaveable," I smiled and he got them out of the freezer. "Tell me how long to put these in for" he handed me the bag as he put the remaining pancakes on a plate. "5 minutes," I said as I sat the bag down. "Ok, anything else" He asked when he put the pancakes in the microwave. "Uhh chocolate" I smiled and looked up at him. "always" He laughed and grabbed us a few bars. 


"What do you want to watch?" Colby asked as he put his arm around me. "The Wedding Singer" I smiled as I looked up at him. "Ok" He laughed and turned on the movie and I snuggled closer too him as I sat the plate full of mini pancakes on the nightstand. "I love you Colby" I mumbled as I held him tight. "I love you more Savana" He squeezed my waist tight. And there I was, watching my favorite movie with the love of my life, all because of my nightmare


I know this story was short, I'm sorry, but I just wrote this in my car bc I was bored and the idea came to me when I was looking out the window and started thinking of my old dreams and stuff, love you guys and I'll try an update as frequently as possible!

Sam Golbach and Colby Brock one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant