12. The time I was politely Schooled

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As I slowly ascend to reality, the constant, loudening beeping penetrates my deep, dreamless sleep. The flutter of my eyes arises panic in neighbouring voices as I groan in discomfort when the vehicle I'm travelling in hits a bump. "W-what – where am I?" I moan in weakness. A moment ago, I witnessed Silas's wolf morph back into a human before being told...I'm fucked—in other words, of course.

My sight is murky at best as I try to focus on where and who I'm with. The twitch of my nose has me growling like a wolf as my head moves toward him. "Leave me be. I loathe you for countless reasons, Alpha," I whimper as the voices around me seize, leaving only the beeping of machines and the rumbling of the vehicle's engine. "Set me free," my head lolls back to stare up at the white roof, noticing the many sacs of liquids and tubs cascading down.

"No." The sullenness of his tone crushes me further as the tears break the sides of my eyes, trickling down to the pillow on which I rest.

"You can do anything you want," I turn to glare at him, "including breaking a girl who is already bent." My sights marginally focus to see the sullenness of his expression and the graveness in his normally lively amused eyes.

"Sedate her," he orders. A smile blooms across my face – my point well made. Instantly, I fall back into an abyss of nothingness. How long I stay... is unknown as I wake to nothing but the mesmerizing scent I've begrudged come to rely on. The front of my forehead is throbbing, and my chest is sore from where the seatbelt pinned me back. Other than that, my entire existence feels numb and lifeless. "I know you're awake."

Keeping my eyes firmly shut, I ignore the wave of emotion when he lifts my left hand and places the center of my palm on his lips. "I doubt your mate would want you touching another... especially someone like me." I grit as his mouth slowly descends to the heel of my hand, then to my wrist, as I plead with myself not to give in. Not to react foolishly and reach for him.

"For a brilliant woman, why are you behaving so daft?" I scoff and scorn him with a look. I thought I'd find humour, but all I see etched deeply on his features is his worry, guilt and something else I can't seem – or want – to decipher. Pulling my arm out of his reach, I realize I'm cuffed to the bed—a hospital bed. Panic sets in as I look around. "Relax. It's for your own safety."

"First of all, never tell someone to relax," I yank at the leather strap with all my might before trying the other. "It only makes them more determined with defiance. Secondly," I pull, getting pissed by the moment. "Fuck off, Alpha." His eyes heat with anger as his jaw sets. "I'm done with you." He straightens from his crotched position towering over me as my nostrils flare with ire.

"You don't mean that."

"I most certainly do. Using your miasma to lure me into your web of lies and what?" the growl of warning should stop me, but I have nothing to lose any longer. "Eventually, once you're done playing with my emotions, you'd have your way with the DUVF – you know – designated, ugly, virgin, friend? Hide her away at your well-used fuckpad. Prey on her naïve, gullible soul, seeing that she's otherwise useless, if not desperate for attention. No one would really miss her if you got a little handsy – but the gig is up. I'm not what you thought I'd be. So let me go, and you'll never see me again." I swallow as I watch the Alpha shimmering with rage. "If you don't, I'll raise Hell until you end me, or I'll tell Reeva what you've been doing... whichever comes first." My chin cocks as his chest begins to pant—in slow, deep rhythmic movements.

That does it, as I knew it would. My stomach coils as he lowers, grasping the sides of my face with such kindness that it throws me for a loop before his lips firmly yet affectionately caress mine. Instantly, my body is at rest as my mind fills with serenity, alleviating the pain in my head, chest and stomach. Marginally, pulling back, his pleading eyes search mine.

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