11: Empress

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We were now on a bus. I was sitting next to Jotato (Joseph insisted), Kakyoin sat with Joseph and Polnareff sat with that woman from earlyer, we found out her name is Nena, whatever.

"Oi, Jotaro." I wispered and he looked at me.

"What is it?"

"Am I the only one who thinks Nena is a lil suspicious? I mean, look at her, she just joined us and a lot of stand users are attacking lately so..."

"Yare yare, you're right, but that doesn't automatically make her an enemy. Don't you think she would've attacked already?"

"Maybe she's just waiting for the right moment?"

"Take a chill pill Y/n, don't just suspect enyone."

I signed and looked around me a bit. Joseph kept scratching his arm lately and I started to get worried.

"Yo, Mr. Joestar, is your arm ok? You keep scratching it, let me take a look." I said.

"It feels weird hearing you call me mr. Joestar it kinda makes me feel old hearing it from you" He said while laughing.

"Whatever. It looks infected I think you should see a doctor." I said and looked behind me.

'On my mama if she's the reason behind this imma beat her bitch ass' I thought to my self.

We finally got off the bus after a long drive.

Joseph finally agreed on going to the doctor to check his arm and Polnareff got lost with his new "girlfriend", tbh, she kinda looks tired of him.

This left Jotaro, Kakyoin and I all alone.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Kakyoin asked.

"Lets find a hotel first. Then lets do whatever we want." I said and they both nodded in approval.

While we were walking we saw an ice cream stand and decided to get some ice cream, Jotaro insisted on paying.

We sat on a bench.

"Why are the others taking so long by the way? Joseph should've been done already." You said.

"I don't know, maybe we should go check on them." Kakyoin said and Jotaro just hummed.

We got up and started looking around, just then a cop pulled up on us.

And just when we thought we were in trouble: "Have you seen this man? His name is Joseph Joestar and he is wanted for killing a doctor." The police asked.

We all gasped and politely said that we haven't seen him around.

"Alright, be careful kids." He said and drove away.

"He did what?" I said with a shocked face.

"It's probably the work of another stand user. We should hurry up, jiji might be in danger." Jotaro said and we all began looking again.

Passing infront of an alley, I found Polnereff and Nena... about to kiss?!

"Ewwww..." I said disgusted by the scene.

"What is it?" Jotaro asked.

"It's nothing, let's go."

We were looking for almost an hour and we were already tired.

Just then we saw two pretty familiar faces infront of a car.

"Oh there you are guys. As you may already know I'm wanted here so we should hurry up and get going. Polnateff you're driving" Joseph said and threw the keys at Polnareff.

A "Fun" Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now