I forgor

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Hey yall!!!

Right now you're probably wondering "why haven't you updated this story for so long and haven't told us or warned us?"

Well the answer is... I FORGOR.

I totally forgot about this story and I'm so sorry😭😭

I promise there are more updates coming soon and no more 5 month brakes until I get finished with this book.

I'll try to update atleast once a week in the weekends when I have time because it's test season and I'm tired asf.

Also, I was wondering, since the group is already in Egypt, which means that the book is gonna finish soon, should I make a sequel for this in another book or should I just continue writing in this one?

Tell me what you think!

Bye bye!!! <33

A &quot;Fun&quot; Trip *Jotaro x Fem!Reader*Where stories live. Discover now