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"Hiii!" Katerina said as she opened the door of the van. Five immediately looked at her shocked. A small smile was formed but he quickly replaced it with his blank face.

"No" the boy simply said.
"Listen" She started ,closing the door,making herself comfortable in the passenger seat. "I won't kill you. I will help you save the world"

"No" Five repeated, deep inside wanting her to be stubborn and stay. Luckily for him she did exactly that.

"Come on" she whined
"Yeah..no. I am not going to work and stop the apocalypse with you after you tried to kill me and broke into my house." Five said looking everywhere but her. Truth to be told he missed talking to her. He was afraid that if he looked at her, he would loose himself.

Katerinas mouth fell opened surprised.
"I didn't not try to kill you. A) I was trying to slightly injure you, not kill you, and b) I did not break anything. The door was open. And c).. stop being so defensive" she snapped back. Now it was fives turn to open his mouth open, taken by surprise with her response.

"And for the record. I am not going to kill you. I don't have any weapons on me" Katerina said looking at Five. He finally looked at her and raised his eyebrow looking at her hidden knife in her pocket vest.

"Okay I take that back, I don't have any weapons currently in my hands" Fives eyes went to her taser bracelet and her rings. Katerina followed his eyes, looking at her hands as well. "And that's a lie also. You get the memo right?" She asked exhaustive.

"Fine" the boy looked at her int he eyes. God those eyes. "Why do you want to help? Why now?" He asked curious.

"Well my mother set me up. Turns out, she gave Hazel and Cha-Cha a mission to kill you while I was supposed to bring you back alive." The girl explained "I want revenge. And what a better way to get it than siding up with her enemy. Which is you"

"So, why don't you just kill her or something? We both know you can and you will do everyone a favour." The boy said still looking his her eyes.

"Because..." she stopped thinking. "Because.."
Why didn't she do it? She knew she could. But why did she came back. Why did she feel the need to be close to him. "Because I need a friend to help me out". She said smiling at Five. He turned away looking outside in an attempt to hide the smile that was unintentionally in his face.

"Fine."She looked at her after he stopped the smile. "But if you pull shit on me again, I will kill you"
"Oh okay big guy" she laughed, causing five to smile.

They both looked in front. "Do you have a plan or should I find something?" Katerina asked after a moment of silent.
"My plan was waiting till he leaves"Five simply replied not looking at her.
"Well your plan sucks" Katerina said looking at the street.

Five turned his head starring at the girl. He scanned her, looking at her features. She was beautiful. Katerina felt eyes on her.

"Don't look at me like that" she said looking at Five.
"I will look at you however I please" he replied. His eyes widen and he realised he had forgot someone.
"Shit" he whispered

He quickly looked behind Katerinas seat at the bag and opened it. He took out an empty bottle of whiskey, to which Katerina raised her eyebrow, and then Delores.

"Hey sorry you were in there for so long Delores" he apologised putting the mannequin between the two.
"Oh. That thing is here... again" the girl said uncomfortable.

Five ignored her looking outside.
"No I'm not drunk" he turned to look at the mannequin. "Yes she is here. Don't worry she will help us" he said nodding at Katerina who still didn't know what to do.
"Yeah.." she looked at Delores before bringing her fist up "I'm an alley"

Twisted love | FIVE HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now