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"Seriously Diego if you don't speed up I'm going to climb and do it myself" Katerina threaten the man one more time as he rolled his eyes
"I'm trying okey!" He shouted back annoyed and concerned for his brother.

Soon enough they arrived at the academy. Diego quickly carried Five along with Allison while Katerina was rushing next to theme

"We should have taken him to the hospital." Allison commented while they carried him to the living room.
"A kid with a shrapnel wound might raise some questions." The boy who was now awake commented. However his voice was barely heard,fortunately for him they all heard him.

"Yeah, well, so does the murder shrine in Harold Jenkins' attic." Allison commented.
"Hey five! Hi" Katerina started as she came by his side "look man around 150,000 people die everyday. Can you maybe..I don't know..NOT BE ONE OF THEM" she shouted the last part making the boy laugh but groan right after as more blood came out of the wound

"He's still losing blood. What do we do?" Allison said as they let him to the couch
"We gotta get the shrapnel out."Diego started but he saw Grace and quickly walked away towards her leaving the two girls behind confused

"Diego where are you going?" Allison asked as the girl rolled her eyes and turned to her.
"I can do it. I have shot someone, being shot at and take a bullet out of someone before. It's no big deal" she said casually as she started to lift five shirt.

"Yeah you do your thing" Allison said with wide yes by her words "and then we are going to come back at that you just said" she finished.
"I need-" The girl was interrupted by Diego entering the room with Grace.

"Oh dear. Let's get him to the medic room shall we"She calmly said as she effortlessly picked the injured boy up and carried him to the room.
"Okey" Katerina muttered clearly confused.

Grace took good care of five. He was now laying asleep in his room with a gaze and bandage at his lower stomach,where the wound was. Beside him was Grace who was finished up some details. At the doorstep were standing Diego, Allison and Katerina. All of their gazes to the boy.

" Anything?" Diego asked Allison who was previously searching for Vanya.
"There's no answer at Vanya's place. And the receptionist at her music school said she was a no-show for her lessons today." She replied frowning.
"Maybe she got laid" Katerina muttered her gaze still fixed on the injured boy

Diego sighed as he started to walk away. Allison looked at the girl but she still hadn't take her eyes off five so she sighed and followed Diego.
"Hey are you okay?" She asked making him stop.

"Yeah" he turned around "I don't know, it's just surreal seeing her. I just wanna tell her that I'm s-"He stopped himself before saying something he couldn't. "We don't have enough time. We gotta go." He quickly glanced away and change the subject

"I don't know Diego" Allison said worried. "Five is laying there, unconscious. We need him." She said pointing at the room
"We can do this ourselves." Diego said
"We did that already, remember? We all ended up dead." Allison reminded him giving him a look "I don't know. I'm just.." she thought for a bit before continuing "I'm thinking I should go and see Claire before-"

"You can't run away from this, Allison." Diego interrupted her. "That's what started this whole mess in the first place." He sighed making Allison turn to see Five "Luther was right." He admitted

Allison turned with her eyes widen and a look at her face as she scoffed lightly before talking "I didn't think I would ever hear you say those words."
"Yeah well.. we got to stick together"

"And for the record you're not alone" Katerina finally spoke as she stop staring at five and walked with the others "you may not have Five but you have me"
"So where do we start" Allison smiled at the girl

"There's no other addresses in the file, but there is another relation listed." Katerina started
"Jenkins grandmother" Diego ended "She lived near Jackpine Road" he said as they started to walk away.

"You think he took her there?" Allison asked
"It's a good enough place to start." Diego commented .
"And also a good place to get laid" Katerina said as they exited the house

"Okay. Please don't make another comment about my sister getting laid" Diego said as they started to walk towards the car. However when Ben saw the police cars he immediately changed directions
"Nope, come on this way"

Allison who was confused looked up from the file as he turned her and Katerina away
" Wait, but the car is back that way." Allison said
"And that way is also some interesting police cars. Diego would you mind explaining" the girl said as she smiled tightly at the man

"Trust me, okay? Come on." Diego said as he glanced back seeing the cars approach them. Allison and Katerina quickly followed.
"But what is going on?" Allison glanced back

"What do you thing is going on" Katerina said annoyed "your dimwit brother did some bullshit again"
"Well they are here for me" Diego said scratching his head "They think I did something." He admitted

"What do they think you did?" Allison asked as the police activated their sirens
"Murder" Diego calmly admitted.
"Did you?" Allison asked shocked
"No, no, no, of course not, okay?" Diego exclaimed "Why would you ask that about me, anyway?"

"I mean, you do carry knives with you everywhere."
"And you do throw them without thinking about consequences" Katerina said after Allison comment.

"Yeah, okay,we're gonna have to split, okay?" Diego said. The sirens could now be heard louder.
"Yeah maybe we should rethink walking away from the police huh" Katerina said

"I'm in charge." Diego ignored her "Remember? Vanya needs you. Both of you"
"Don't do anything stupid, okay?" Allison said before grabbing Katerinas hand and walking towards the car.

They quickly left without glancing back,knowing what happens to Diego. After a short walk they found the car and quickly got on.

"You sure you want to some with?" Allison asked as she started the engine "You could stay with Five if you want"
"No I'm good" Katerina said "he's a strong person. He will manage alone" she smiled.

Allison smiled back as she sighed and started the car driving off

Twisted love | FIVE HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now