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[Johnson was in the sitting room watching football match between his favourite team Manchester United and his rival team Chelsea. He mostly commented and reacted to the thrills from the sport.]

JOHNSON: See this guy! Pass the ball, 10 is wide open. Where did this coach even see this guy from. My younger brother in the village is an even more excellent player than this... see the kind of pass this is passing... see as this plait him sense. Use your head to volley the ball...

[Just then a message entered his phone. He just looked at it with the side of his eyes and focused on the match with the intent of responding later. Shortly his comment was interrupted by a call. He decided to pick up.]

RECEIVER (LALA): Good evening Mr. Johnson.

JOHNSON: Good even chairman! Please who am I talking with?

LALA:  My name no be the matter, we get information for you and e go shock you.

JOHNSON: Chairman, I think you dialled the wrong number. Please confirm the number and call the person. [He hung up]

[The phone rang again. It was the same number. He did not pick until the call came in again. He picked the third time.]

LALA:  I sent you a video on WhatsApp.  It will be very interesting for the public to watch. [He hung up]

JOHNSON: See me see wahala! Where do I know this person? Let me check the WhatsApp message.

[He tapped on his phone apps and waited a while before he could access the messages. He was shocked to see the video.]

JOHNSON: [He was confused and anxious at the same time. He began to call out to his fiancé.] Ebi baby! Ebi baby! Oh my God! It is finished! Babe!

EBANEHITA:  [She answered from within the house and rushed out] Yes babe! [When she was close to him she inquired] What is the problem?

[Johnson beckoned on her to come closer and watch the video. She did and for a few seconds she was demobilised and began to murmur]


EBANEHITA:  [she had to came down and ask] How did you get this video?

JOHNSON: We are completely ruined.

[Both of them were considerably dismantled emotionally. They could not understand how this predicament had befallen them.]

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