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[Johnson and Ebanehita arrived at a desolate location]

EBANEHITA:  Why are we here again? The video is out, we should be thinking of a way out of this mess.

JOHNSON: What way? Should we tell the police? You told me last time that you didn’t want to tell the police because you could go to jail.

EBANEHITA:  Fine, why are we here? Do you wish to take on a group of criminals all by yourself? [She argued]


JOHNSON: Well. Maybe. If we meet face to face, they could retrieve the video somehow and help clean up the mess. Or some other kind of miracle would happen.

[He was really confused. The tone and uncertainty in his voice revealed as much. But he was confident that his not so good plan would work.]


[He suddenly pulled out a gun from the pigeon hole in the car and prepared the gun for a fight he might not come out from alive.]

EBANEHITA:  Babe! Where did you get a gun from? How?

JOHNSON: A man has got to protect himself by and means necessary. You stay in the car. If I don’t come out the 15 minutes, well, take the car and drive off as fast as you can.

EBANEHITA:  Let me come with you.

JOHNSON: Please stay in the car. I promise, I’m just going in to straighten things out. This is not a fight.

EBANEHITA:  Technically, it is.

JOHNSON: Calm down. I’ll be back. I promise.

[He came down from the car, tucked away the gun behind and walked into the building with abject confidence].



[Ebanehita was becoming impatient and unlocked the car and decided to follow her fiancé.]


[She walked quietly to be sure she could not be heard by anyone. She could hear Johnson’s voice.]


[She felt some relief and decided to go closer to observe.]

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