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[It was nightfall. Johnson and Ebanehita met in Prof’s room.]

JOHNSON: Did you get what I asked you to get?

EBANEHITA:  Yeah sure.

JOHNSON: I have got the recording. I will place it on his body so that when the police find him, they would find the evidence of his plots and maybe, they will look the other way.

EBANEHITA:  Are you sure this is the best plan?

JOHNSON: That’s all I’ve got. Where is the solution I asked you to get?

EBANEHITA:  Yeah sure. [She handed him the keg of Isopropyl alcohol] What do you need IPA for?

JOHNSON: To wipe off any residual prints from us. That way we cannot be linked to the case if the police eventually decide to do a thorough investigation. [He wrapped Prof up with one of the bedding and motioned on her to help him lift him up.]


[A strange mysterious person walked into the hotel hallway. He had a nose mask, a head warmer on, a needy horn-rimmed glasses both of which concealed his identity; a fancy casual outfit and sneakers to go with.]


[He walked towards the standing table a few metres away from Prof’s room and pulled out a camera. ]


[He walked to the door and picked the lock and entered the room.]


[Inside the room, he pulled out certain spy cameras from the room from two different locations and placed them in the bag pack behind him.]


[He examined the room before taking his leave].

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