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[The following day, Ebanehita was at home, chatting with a friend and enjoying their chats when she received an anonymous message, "...the police have found out about the murder of Prof. Titus Idahosa. They have video evidence too."]


[She panicked and didn't know what to do. She called Johnson who suggested meeting up by the Crescent junction.]

EBANEHITA:  Hello Babe! Please where are you? I just received an anonymous tip that the video has been leaked.

JOHNSON’S VOICE: Damn! How? When? These guys sold us out. Meet me up at the Crescent junction ASAP!

[She hung up and got ready to leave the house]



[Ebanehita meets up with Johnson and she entered the car along a fairly busy environment.]

EBANEHITA:  What are you doing here? Why did you ask me to come here instead of coming home to talk about this recent development?

JOHNSON: My trackers said they have got results and they would drop it off  here.

EBANEHITA:  What are we going to do about this recent development? The cat is out of the bag and the police are probably scouring the whole town to find us.

JOHNSON: Just relax. Once we get the results from my tracker, we can then proceed from there.

[Just then a young slender person knocked on his window. He rolled down and the person slid in a neatly rolled paper and took off.]

[Johnson got the hint that it was the result he was waiting for. He unfolded the roll quickly to find an address.]

EBANEHITA:  What is that?

JOHNSON: [Very much excited about this result started the car.] The exact location of this Lala character. I’ll drop you off somewhere safe.

EBANEHITA:  Safe ke? We are going there together. Please let’s go together.

JOHNSON: Are you sure about this movement? It is very dangerous.

[She was determined to go with him especially from the already decided face. He couldn’t convince ger if he wanted so he zoomed off.]

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