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[Osose returned home with the information in her possession. But before she could settle down to look at the contents of the information, duty called.]

OSOSE:  Hello boss! I am fine boss. What? A 16 hour job?! Really? Who is willing to pay such ridiculous amount of money for such a job? I will be there right away sir. Thank you sir. [She hung up].

[She received the call pausing at some points to listen to what the responder had to say and respond with each statement above.]


[She quickly had a change of clothes and left the house]



[The following day, she brought out her laptop and transferred the content to it with skilled taps on the keyboard which revealed that she could be a skilled computer operator.]

OSOSE:  What could possibly be in this video? What secrets do John-John have?

[She pondered to herself as she played the video anyways].


{Cut from future scene}


[Luckily, Ebanehita gets up, picks something really strong in the room and lands a hit to the back of his head  with whatever strength she had left.]


[Prof fell down and passed out.]


[Johnson finally breathed freely, forcing frank air in and out of his lungs.]


[She beckoned on Johnson to join her in leaving the room before he wakes up. But Johnson wanted to be sure he was still alive and moved closer to check his radial pulse. He couldn’t feel anything and tried his jugular pulse. There was no pulse.]

JOHNSON: H-H-He is dead!

EBANEHITA:  [She was shocked. Her voice came in somehow and she opened her mouth to shout] Ah! [But her voice was worse than a genuine whisper].

[This was the content of the video Osose watched carefully and in shock].

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