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               He liked her and only her. Sarah frowned at the sight of Genna holding Alex's hand and so did Jayden. He knew he wasn't supposed to be angry since he had moved on, but seeing her move on had broken him. He looked away. Sarah smiled ever so slightly. "Ouch!" She held her hand. "Are you okay? "My hand hurts." Alex grabbed it to take a look. Sarah smiled over his shoulder at Genna who smiled too. Which made Sarah very confused. It doesn't look like there is anything wrong with me" Sarah shrugged.

                "It must have been aching pain." Alex nodded slowly. Sarah smiled. He looked off into the fire. Then he looked over at Genna who was staring into the fire. "Are you okay?" She looked at Alex. "Yeah, I'm fine." he grabbed her hand. "We should get some sleep. We have long days ahead of us." Everyone got up to get in their sleeping spots. Genna laid hers out next to Alex. Sarah got on the other side of him, which made Genna a little irritated. He turned Genna's way and closed his eyes. Genna smiled, while Sarah rolled her eyes and turned the other way. That night Genna had a dream. 

                    She was fighting someone. She could tell it was a girl because they were wearing two-inch boots. She was wearing a dark cloak and they fought with ease. The person also had a ring on their left finger and it had a red ruby on it. Suddenly another person showed up. She could tell it was a guy. He wore the same cloak the girl had. He stood before her and didn't even do anything, just looked at her with intense eyes. Eyes that she had seen before. Before she could say or do anything, someone woke her up. Everyone was looking scared and as soon as she was about to say something, Alex put his hand over her mouth. 

                   Genna was confused at first, but then realized that they were being quiet because someone was there. Something or someone was there. There was a noise in the bushes that made everyone jump. When everyone took a look at the bush, a scream came from the other way. It was the guy from her dream and he grabbed Sarah and was gone in a flash. Everyone panicked. Genna got up and looked to see where he had gone. She also noticed that someone else was missing. "Where is Jayden?" Alex looked around too. "I don't know" Genna looked around and was beginning to panic like everyone else. Alex held her shoulders. "Look at me, everything is going to be alright." Genna began to calm down but rage came from her when she saw Kaya sitting on a log looking at everyone like it was no big deal.

                    Genna walked angrily over to her, followed by Alex. "What are you doing here?" Kaya looked up at Genna. "Dionysus thought you could use some fast thinking, so he sent me here." Genna frowned. "I don't know why he sent you, cause just because you run at a fast speed, doesn't mean your brain goes the same speed." Kaya scoffed. I had basically insulted her. "Well, he did." "When?" Kaya frowned. "What do you mean when?" "When did you get here?" Kaya shrugged. "About the time when I saw that Sarah girl whispering something in Jayden's ear." Genna frowned. "What are you talking about?" Kaya sighed. "You always did ask a lot of questions." Genna took a step forward. Which made Alex take a step forward. "I'm not here for games Kaya, tell me what happened!" Kaya jumped. "Chill, okay? When i got here i saw everyone asleep but her. She was leaning over and whispering something in Jayden's ear. The only thing is, is that he was asleep. So it was weird. 

                 Then she looked at me and I sat down on the log. She smiled and covered up and went back to sleep." Alex looked confused. "What could she have been saying to him?" Genna shrugged. All she knew was that they both were gone and she only really cared for Jayden so she was going to try her best and get him back. She pulled Alex to the side. "I think Sarah staged the whole damsel in distress thing." Alex frowned. "What do you mean?" "Last night i had a dream. I was fighting this girl in a dark cloak and this guy showed up too, but he didn't fight me. He just stood there." Alex nodded trying to understand. "Do you know what she looked like? Any descriptions." Genna thought back to her dreams. "Um... Yeah she was wearing this ring. It had a red crystal or ruby on it." 

                 Alex's face lit up. "What, what is it." "Sarah was wearing that ring last night. I saw it when she had that hand cramp or whatever." Genna shook her head. "I knew she was up to no good. Now she might have Jayden held captive somewhere." Alex sighed. "What about the guy that took her?" Genna shrugged. "He was the guy from my dream." "Do you think it could have been Jayden?" Genna frowned at Alex. "What do you mean?" "Well think about it. I mean Sarah is so in love with Jayden, and Kaya says she saw her whispering into his ear. It could have been a spell. She could have spelled him to help her in her scheme. Now that she is gone, we have no clue where to look for her. That way it seems like she's off the hook of being suspected as a suspect. So now she has more time to escape and if she does get caught, she can blame it on Jayden, and he won't have a clue if he did or if he didn't do it."

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