In the Beginning

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My name is Cheyenne. Im 17 years old and I hate my life. My parents have beatin me since my brother died do to a plane crash. I have tried living without him but I can't go a day without thinking of him. My mom says its my fault cause I told him to go on a trip around the world. I have cuts and brush from my parents. And cut on my body from where I have been cutting."Cheyenne get your lazy a** down her and clean this house! And make sure you make dinner for us or else you will be punished again got it!" I heard my dad yell from down stair."Yes sir! I will do it right away!" I yelled back. Than the fornt door open and shut. Finally they are gone. I walk out of my room and downstairs. I picked up all the beer bottles and clothes off the floor. I made pizza for dinner. I ate some pork. If I didnt eat now, I won't be able to eat later. My mom woyld lock me in my room during dinner. They would eat and I would starve in my room.I ran back to my room and got dressed for my afternoon walk. I put on a black t-shirt, a white hoodie, some jogging pants and my black running shoes. I grabbed my picket knife just in case something bad happens. Has I ran out of the house, I qiuckly grabbed my phone. I ran around the block and on to a path that lead through the woods. No one went in to the woods but me. Cause of the rumors of a creature with no face. I wasn't scared of the creature. I know him, he saved me from getting raped once. He was my first friend I made when my brother passed away. As I ran, a drak figured stood in the path way. My head started pounding. I grabbed my head and screamed. A hand grabbed my was slender man."Cheyenne I'm so sorry I forgot you ran this path in the afternoon. I'm so so so so sorry. Please forgive me." He begged."Slendy I forgive you. I should of remind you I was going for a jog." I said with a smile. We walked together for a while till something knock me to the ground. I look at the creature who knocked me down. It was just the rake."Cheyenne where have you been. You haven't been in this parts of the woods in forever!" He said jumping up ad down. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back,"Sorry Rake, every since my brother died I just never felt like jogging. Plus my mom and dad locked my in my room for a week. They blame me for his death." Tears ran down my face as I said it. Why does it still hurt. My brother,Jake, was always there for me. And now he is gone."It's okay Cheyenne. Dont cry we are here." Rake said trying to calm me down. He hugged me til i stopped crying."Thank Rake. Thanks Slendy. Y'all are my only friend that is here for me." My phone started ringing, I looked at the number, it was my dad."Cheyenne where are you. Get your a** back to the house now! Your in real trouble! He yelled into the phone and than hung up. Great I'm going to get a beating again."Sorry guys I have to go I in trouble again. Slendy can you teleport me to my house please?" I begged him. He nodded and we teleported to my house."Thanks Slendy. See you later.""Later Cheyenne. Also be careful. If you need us just yell for us kay." I nodded and ran inside to a pissed of mom and dad." Where have you been Cheyenne. You didn't make dinner and this place is a mess." My mom yelled at me. I look at the once clean house that now was thrashed again and the pizza I made was in the trash."Sorry I went for a jog. I wont do it again." I said with fear in my voice."Sorry is not going to cut in Cheyenne. You have been a bad girl. Jake died cause of you. You must be punished." My dad said while hitting me with the big stick he had. After a couple hits, I snapped and I got my pocket knife out of my hoodie pocket. I stabbed my dad in the thorat. Blood went everywhere, it covered my once white hoodie. I licked the blood off my lips. It tasted good, bye daddy and mommy. I found my mom in the corner of the living room scared out if her mind."You monster stay away from me!" She screamed as she tried to run pass me. It didn't worrk, I put my knife into her throat and cut it open. I licked my knife clean. Their blood taste so good, I thought to myself. Than I look down at my hands and started to shake. I just killedy parents. What did I do. I took off ouf the back door. "SLENDY! RAKE! I NEED Y'ALLS HELP. PLEASE I'M SCARED!" I ran into a tall figured."Cheyenne are you okay?" Its was Slendy."No Slendy, I'm not. I just killed my parents. I'm a monster." I cried into my blood cover hands."Its okay Cheyenne. You can live with me and Rake at the mansion. You will be safe." He said has he teleported us to the huge house in the woods

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