Chapter five

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One, two

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One, two.

One, two.

Three, four.

Three, four.

"Your form looks good Haneul."

Right now, dad and I were practising some kicking drills. I asked him to look at my form since it was going on like two weeks since I exercised with the move and school and everything.

My dad and I decided to renovate one a side of the man cave into a mini gym. It wasn't anything grand and I still needed a proper gym but it would do for now.

Just so I could clear my mind out a bit.

"Your fists are like something is bothering you son."

"You sound like we're about to audition to be the new karate kid actors."

"Except I'm taller, richer and handsomer than Jackie Chan. I would be the level up to Mr Lee."

"But you can't hang with Jackie Chan dad. Be for real."

"He can't hang with the lawsuit for hitting me. Anyways, what's on your mind?"

"I saved a kid from getting his ass whopped in the toilet but he's really weird."

After that incident, shit started getting weird.

I keep catching glimpses of that guy even when I'm not trying to pay attention. I'm not one to be conceited but, I think he's following me. Whenever I try to talk to him, he just gets super surprised and walks off.

Some of my classes have glass windows into the corridor and I swear I saw him stare at me through one of them red faced.

"I think he's like a stalker or something."

"Maybe he just wants to thank you. People here are very shy son."

But... it's getting weird.


"What's up Haneul, you look annoyed."

Mireu Choi.

A cool guy.

He was rocking the Air Jordans but the SP design which is a shoe I really like. I asked him about his shoes and found out he's a reseller. He's got a cool collection and I'm interested in buying. Support small business and shit.

Like I always say, guys don't need much.

"I am."

"Your stalker is right there," he commented nodding towards the window into the corridor. "I heard from some people he's a year below us. His name-"

"Fuck this," I snapped all of a sudden scaring Mireu a bit. "Save my seat, don't let Jiho put any stupid sticky notes on my desk either."

As soon as the guy saw me stand up, he started to fast walk but I was determined to sort this shit out today. I can't let a stalker continue to follow me around.

"Hey!" As soon as I shouted he broke into a sprint. And I ran right behind him. He was faster than I thought but got really out of breath by the time we made it into the university garden area.

I can't believe he made me run all the way here.

"Stop," I heavily breathed with my lungs gasping for air. "Why the fuck are you stalking me?"

"I'm s-sorry sun-sunbae," he chocked out with an embarrassed expression and a red face, "I just wanted to say thank you. But..."

Sunbae? Who the- ohhh the honorific for a senior. Mireu did say he was younger.

"But what- you know what? It's fine. I got your thank you. You said what you had to, no more following me around."

"Sunb-sunbae," he exclaimed just as I was about to leave. "I-Is it... is it okay if I say hi w-when I see y-you in pa-passing?"

What kinds of question is that?

"If you want to..."

"Is-Is it okay if I as-ask you for a-advice too?"

"Me? I ain't got shit to teach. You can get-"

"It's just t-that," he interrupted looking hesitant. His face turned even reeder as his mouth opened and closed as he struggled to get the words out. "Y-You're the cool-coolest person I know sun-sunbae."

I mean... flattery will get you anywhere.



"My name is Haneul. If you just shout sunbae in a crowded hallway, it could be anyone."

"Right... H-Haneul sunbae."

He has a pretty smile... huh?

"And you? What's your name?"

"I'm M-Min Su-Sunghoo."

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