Chapter seven

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"Are you going to tell me who did this to you?"

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"Are you going to tell me who did this to you?"

"I-It's f-fine and hyung b-brought me a dr-drink to make me feel better... it-it doesn't hurt, re-really."

I've graduated from sunbae to hyung...? Never mind.

I wanted to go fight but, he stopped me by telling me he wanted to drink bubble tea at this off campus place. I was ready to beat every single person in his year who looked like they could have been a culprit.

Guilty until proven innocent around here.

But... I couldn't deny him that after looking at his busted lips and wet puppy dog eyes.

His order at the shop was pretty interesting plus, the shop in itself was very... pink. I mean, maybe the food was bussin and that's why he liked it.

He ordered a peach bubble tea with strawberry bubbles. And a side of strawberry cake.

I know someone who orders that same exact thing... but I cannot remember that person at all.

"Why won't you tell me? I just want to talk to them."

"But you d-don't look like the typ-type of person w-who talks h-hyung."

Yeah, because I don't politic with nobody.

"Because I'm black?"

"N-no, because I saw you k-kick someone because they w-wouldn't let you he-hear your tik toks hyung."

No, I beat them up because they hit you... and because I couldn't hear my tik toks.

I could help but look at Sunghoo now that we were sitting across from each other like this. I rested my head on my palm as I looked at him enjoy his cake and bubble tea.

There is something about Sunghoo... that intrigued me. Sometimes... I find myself... I don't know.

Like right now, just trying to memorise his features. From the curve of his lips to the softness of his eyes and the struggle wave of his hair-

What the fuck? I need some pussy ASAP no Rocky. I think not getting any in ages is why I'm getting these weird... thoughts.

"H-hyung is som-something w-wrong," he asked with a slight blush.

Fuck, stop.

"No, but you've got some cake on your cheek," I stated reaching out to wipe his cheek with my thumb. He flinched slightly as I made contact with his face but settled down with a deeper blush as he looked down.

"Don't flinch when I touch you, I would never hit you."


"Stop apologising as well."

"So- okay hyung. I won't a-apologise anymore."

"You... why do people keep picking on you?"

"Because I'm w-weird," he replied with a sad smile. "E-everyone says I act like a gi-girl and all the boys h-hate me. And- no, n-nevermind."

Is he holding back?

"You should fight back, you can't just be defenceless."

"Y-you know h-hyung... even with a scho-scholarship, my mum w-works really hard to pa-pay the remaining tuition... I don't w-want her to wo-worry. If I just t-t-take it qui-quietly, she won't h-have to k-know and be more wo-worried."

Maybe, I have taken what I have for granted.

How much even is the tuition for this place? I never had to worry about scholarships and not being able to afford my tuition. Grandma and grandpa have always stepped up to get me into the places, I thought I couldn't.

When you're a Kim, you can get in anywhere. You don't have to hate from outside of the club, when you own it.

I once threw five bands on an outfit and no one blinked. No one told me off.

Maybe I had forgotten that people around me have different things going on.

How much do my custom dunks cost compared to his beat up converses?

Those shoes really dying though.

"Ah y-you don't ha-have to feel s-sorry for me-"

"Then... tell me."


"If someone messes with you, tell me. I can afford to get into trouble."

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