Chapter twenty-two

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"Hey forehead, I am talking to you!"

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"Hey forehead, I am talking to you!"

Yeah, okay and I'm remembering how good Sunghoo sounded yesterday.

Move around lady.

"You better act like you heard your mom as well Haneul," my dad warned reading on his iPad. "I don't want to think you're disrespecting her."

"Thank you lover," mum cheesed kissing dad's cheek. "I know you were upset yesterday but a text saying you were sleeping outside would be appreciated."

"You dropped me off at Sunghoo's house... I thought we knew I wasn't coming back the same night."

"A text would've been nice... anyways, did you... did you wear condoms?"

"He can't get pregnant though-"

"You're smarter than that," dad laughed.

"FYI and TMI I did wear one, I'm just saying he can't get pregnant."

"Safe sex isn't just about pregnancy - remember that Rae Sremmurd song?"

"Who the fuck is that?"

"Watch your mouth and... you don't know them? Black Beatles? Throw Sum Mo? You gotta know Swae Lee in unforgettable?"


"Nayla... we're getting ancient."

"When Suni and Sera get to Haneul's age we'll be coffin ready."

"We might even be grandparents by then. Are you and Sunghoo having kids," dad asked.


The grandmas the baby.

Low-key, happy that Sunghoo won't ever show up prego. The positives of being with a guy I guess.

"I think we'll be cool parents - hire a surrogate and sh- stuff."

"You're so lucky," my mum stated grabbing a pack of chips."This family has surrogate money like you can have a kid easily. For some same-sex families it ain't like that."

"I think Sunghoo is uncomfortable sometimes with me being rich," I admitted resting my head on my palms.

"Can you blame him? New money rich you can get used to but old money rich is a whole different arena."

"I hid it from your mom at the start but I don't know... I wasn't going back to broke so she had to get used to it."

"Imagine Haneul, I went from living in a normal apartment to getting a whole newlywed house getting build. Chai's grandad brought us a whole penthouse and we were only there for less than three years. It was crazy?"

"You didn't like it mom?"

"I did but... I was overwhelmed and I wanted Chai's family to like me... I understand how Sunghoo might feel like to you, it's just money but to him... it's different. You should take it slow."

"I think you should still spoil him. After you graduate, you really gotta start thinking about taking him out of that housing area."

Dad is right.

I don't really like where he lives. I want to take care of him... show him better but like mum said, he does get overwhelmed. Sometimes I ask him to go wait somewhere else when I'm paying because he just feels so guilty.

I just want to spoil my pretty boy.

"I want to have that conversation with him - I think I can definitely get him a better apartment. I want to."

"The future head of the medical and pharmaceutical side of the Kim-Anurak group has to definitely take care of his partner."

"I heard you dad. I'm going to do that."



"Haneul oh my god! You won't believe it."

It's... seven fifty and already this much commotion.

Fucking hell.

"Haneul oh my god-"

"You already said that, speed it up," I sighed pulling an excited Sunghoo for a kiss. "Good morning pretty boy, how's your back?"

He blushed deeper burying his head on my sweater and I softly ran my fingers through his hair.

"I took pictures of Sunghoo for a photography assignment and posted them on insta and guess what? KPLUS asked for headshots and if he would go there for an audition? Isn't that insane?"

"What's KPLUS?"

A scamming group? Hell to the no.

I'll sue them to the ground fucking around with mine.

"I-It's a mo-modelling agency hyung. It's aff-affiliated with YG so it has a lot of i-idols," he grinned widely.

"And this is legit," I asked the girl. If she hasn't done her research and got Sunghoo excited for nothing, I'll make sure her insta is blocked. 

"It is legit, I looked the lady up Haneul! She has a page."

"Cool, send me the stuff and disperse. I want to talk to Sunghoo."

I sat Sunghoo on the desk and looked at him as he grinned widely. I gave him a kiss as he played with the hem of my sweater.

He does that a lot.

"A-are you e-excited for me?"

"Of course, if you're happy, I'm happy. Do you want to meet up with this lady and see where it goes?"

"Y-yeah," he nodded shyly. "I-I think it w-would be cool."

"You'll need an agent and a lawyer. I'll text my mom to vet some people-"

"H-hyung I won't b-be able to pay you back. Y-you can't."

"Yes, I can. I'm not letting you go in blind to such a dirty industry. You'll need a team and I'm getting you one, full stop."

"B-but... how do I re-repay you?"

"You don't because I'm your... boyfriend. You're supposed to empty my wallet anyways. I care about you," I murmured kissing his forehead. "I want you to rely on me."

"O-okay," he agreed hugging me. "T-thank you."

"Y-you'll probably have to meet my mum... so she chooses people based on what you're like. I'll send her a text, she'll like having something to do."

"B-but what I-If she's busy? I-I don't want to give her extra work-"

"Baby," I laughed, "it's like her fourth time watching Desperate Housewives this year. She finished all the housewife franchises and seasons, she is very bored."


"Trust me, she needs this."

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