Chapter twenty

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"You don't have to go but, great grandad Kim is really sick

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"You don't have to go but, great grandad Kim is really sick... baby, they're telling us to prepare."


I don't really know why I'm here but, I think I should be.

Great grandad hasn't spoken to me since catching me with Sunghoo but, if he's dying, I'd like us to be good before he goes.

Great grandad Kim always believed in me. He always was extra proud of me and he loved that the first great grandchild was a boy.

It was like I was the centre of everything for a while. I wouldn't like us to be angry at each other. He mean a lot to me.

"Would you guys like to come in," the nurse asked. We all stood up. Dad, mum, the girls and I followed the nurse.

I feel fucking sick to be honest.

"You guys came."

Great-granddads voice doesn't sound very strong.

And that's horrifying.

"You look as vibrant and healthy as when you were fifty grandad."

"You little shit," great grandad laughed before breaking into a cough. Dad jumped into action mode pouring him a glass of water before helping him drink.

"Grandad, has grandma Kim gone home," mom asked sitting at his bedside.

"I finally convinced her to leave but, she said she'll come again tomorrow early. Bright and early."

The whole room looked like a presidential suit. I expect nothing less of what the Anurak side of the family left behind. With dad now running everything I wouldn't expect the quality to go down either.

Sera and Suni climbed into great grandad bed just laying beside him and playing with each other.

"Haneul... you're here... let me see you."

It's my like my heart is gonna come out through my mouth.

"Hey great grandad Kim, you look good," I smiled nervously sitting by his bed. We stared at each other a bit before I broke eye contact by pretending to fix his flowers.

We all know that even if those flowers were fucked, I wouldn't know.

"You and that boy... what was that?"

"I don't know what to say great grandad Kim... what you saw is what it is. Me and him are... together."


"I know. I know but, I can't help it great grandad. I... I don't know what happened either."

"I would rather die than accept this."

Well... not to be that guy but your days are numbered anyways so, I guess you won't be accepting it. Not in the forty five days you got left.

"Okay," I sighed standing up to leave. My mum looked at me and her and dad looked like they were going to follow suit. "Then It is what it is. I can't change your mind. And I can't change myself."

"Wait- no. Sit down Haneul. Wait. I will probably never agree or understand but I know that I love you. I love you more than anything, I just don't understanding grandson. You liked girls and how... a boy? What is gonna happen to the Kim bloodline?"

My mum looked ready to speak up but, my dad stopped her. I'm glad he did too. As much as I love her, I need this conversation to be between me and him.

Fuck it if he doesn't understand but it needs to be me saying it.

"How can you love me if you can't accept this part of me?"

"I just don't want to die and you think that I hate you... despite these things and your choices... I love you Haneul."

That doesn't mean shit to me.


"Leo, are you... angwry," Suni asked. She sat next to me in the car but I don't think she really understood anything that went down in the hospital.

I'm sad that my great grandad is dying but... I'm so angry. How could he love me but not support me? He doesn't even accept every single part of me.

It's fucking me up.

"I'm okay kiddo," I smiled, messing up her hair. "I'm just tired."

"B-but you looked really swad when bwig nono was twalking to you," Sera added.

Nono is grandad and big Nono is great grandad. I don't know where they've got it from.

"I'm doing fine Sera," I smiled again, "but thank you for worrying."

"Honey, is there someone you want to eat today? We can eat out."

My stomach was in knots. I don't think I could swallow a drop of water right now.

But, I did want to be somewhere.

"Dad, can you drop me off at an address? I'll get an Uber home after or I'll just come in the morning."

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