Finale (part two)

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"What is this?"

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"What is this?"

Since I had left Haneul at the parking lot he hadn't stopped messaging me. I don't know why he continued because I had left everything on seen.

I was determined to make him feel me this time.

I needed him to hear me and understand that I was serious about needing him to change. I didn't want to be with a bully.

I looked down on my phone seeing it ring with Mireu's name. I debated on ignoring it however, he never calls so I got paranoid that something is really happening with Haneul.

"Come to the theatre room."

"What is this," I asked immediately seeing the theatre packed with some familiar and some that were not. I could tell that a lot of these people were second and third years.

Haneul and Mireu stop in front of the seated crowd with a fearful Chonghee in between them.

"H-Haneul w-what is t-this," I asked again walking towards Chonghee trying to offer her some comfort.

"Everyone is present, let's start."

"I have made a mistake," I announced briefly making eye contact with Sunghoo before addressing the crowd again

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"I have made a mistake," I announced briefly making eye contact with Sunghoo before addressing the crowd again. "I did what I wanted to do and pretended to turn a blind eye when you were all mistreating Chonghee even when Sunghoo told me multiple times he wanted everything to stop. We all need to stop. If Sunghoo is moving forward we need to as well."

"Sunghoo," one of the girls softly called out. "We were taking up for you - we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"T-thank y-you, I-I'm glad y-you all h-hold me so hi -highly but I d-dont want anyone to b-be treated this way."

In some ways I was proud of Sunghoo having a voice. He was very far from that person who I met coiled up in the toilet, he was voicing his thoughts in this room full of people with calm, confidence.

I couldn't be more filled up with pride.

After making it clear that I didn't want anyone to continue with the bullying even if I did think Chonghee deserved way more than she got, people started filtering out eventually leaving just me and Sunghoo in the room.

"T-thank you-you for making it r-right," Sunghoo bowed shyly showing his appreciation. I saw his red face he was trying to hide.

"I'm not perfect. I'm stubborn sometimes. I'm selfish in my actions but... I know that I love you. I know that I care about you. I know that your feelings are important to me. I should've acted in a way that shows I know those things. I'm sorry."

This time I truly did feel bad.

Getting revenge on Chonghee should not have come above Sunghoo. At the end of the day, I couldn't give two fucks about her.

Sunghoo was the most important person to me. Not her. She hurt someone I love and I wanted to make her feel it but ended up hurting someone I cared about in the process.

And seeing Sunghoo crying earlier was breaking my heart. It's never that serious that I make him that mad.

"I-it's n-not okay."

"I know," I agreed sincerely. "I was wrong. And I'll probably be wrong again but, stay with me," I pleaded kissing him gently. I had felt many things kissing Sunghoo but there was something tender about this time. "I don't want to lose you."

"Y-you-you'll ne-never do it ag-again," he asked with a small voice holding on to the hem of my sweater. "I d-didn't like it."

"I'll never do it again," I promised meaning it. "I don't want to risk losing you," I admitted softly hugging him close.

"D-don't l-lose me."

I choose a discrete seat putting the strawberry cake and bubble tea on the table. I sat down preparing to be waiting for a while.

Might as well start working on my presentation...

It had been a few months since the incident. And in some ways, Sunghoo and I had grown even closer. I gained a new understanding of his boundaries and how important it was to truly respect them.

He gained an understanding of how deep I'd stand on business about him.

Overall, we learnt a lot about one another.

"H-hyung did you wait long?"

I smiled brightly at Sunghoo. Something I had been doing a lot lately these days because he was making such good progress with his speech therapy.

I was proud of everything about him.

Him taking off career wise and him smashing his personal goals.

"Nah," I replied saving my work and putting my MacBook away. "I could wait my whole life for you and it still wouldn't be long enough."

"Stop," he replied bashfully with red cheeks. It was just something satisfying about me making him lose his composure. "I missed you last week, we couldn't even meet up."

I wiped a piece of cake from the corner of his mouth before licking it. It was unconscious on my end but I could tell that did something to him from the way he shifted.

"I missed you too, baby boy."

"I wish I could see you way more n-now that I've gotten bus-"

"What do you think about moving in together? You might be home late but, you'll always come home to find me waiting for you."

I might have appeared calm and collected but I was so nervous. I have been meaning to ask but always run out of courage.

Who would've thought Kim Haneul would lack confident in something?

Maybe hell has really frozen over.

"Was I too forw-"

"It's a g-great idea hyung," he beamed with a bright smile. "I can't think of a-anything better than coming home to you."

"Maybe fuck-," he covered my mouth with red cheeks. I licked his hand making him pull it away before we both burst out laughing.

"I love you hyung," he confessed leaning forward to peck my lips. "I just love you so much."

"I love you more, Sunghoo."

And it all started with a college toilet, a damsel in distress, some bullies and a boy scrolling through Tik Tok.

Sometimes you really need to be Captain Save A Hoe.

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