Chapter twenty-three

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"What did you think about that last lady, honey? She's a bit too unorganised to be a manager. Her resume
was unimpressive too. Too ghetto."

"Y-yes. I-I think she's scary."

Haneul's mom got straight to work. She vetted out entertainment lawyers from within the Kim-Anurak group and already arranged a small team for me.

We're now vetting a suitable manager but she already had me go get professional headshots earlier in the week. She said that she wanted me to have a manager before I met with the KPLUS agency people but we already sent the headshots.

Haneul left with Mireu so it was just us interviewing people but she's very kind.

And she keeps asking if I'm hungry.

"I think the Jung lady was very fresh and professional. Her portfolio was... a work in progress but she's young. She's also worked for YG. What do you think?"

"Um... I d-don't know... I-I liked the Park lady. She was very s-sweet and she had g-good experience."

"Park, huh," she hummed flipping through the application sheets. "Ah, this lady here? She interned in a few K-pop agencies as well so she might know the industry. Good eye honey, I always missed her because she was sort of plain but now that I see her stuff... very impressive."

When she tells me good job... I feel so proud and happy. I think it's because she just seems like an amazing person.

"Let me give her a call honey. I'll let her know that her first job is getting your social media ready to and arranging this meeting."

Even on the phone, she's so pretty and radiant. And confident... I wish I had half of her confidence.

I'm so plain and shy.

And I hate it because I want to stand next to hyung.

I was really happy about the modelling thing because if I make money I'll get to get Haneul hyung things too but here I am relying on his family.

I need to pay them back.

"Okay honey, I gave her a week to get stuff done and she reports to me and you. If she gets out of line, you let me know and if she books stuff in your school time, you let me know."

"T-thank you Mrs Kim. I-I don't know ho-how to repay you or Haneul."

"Honey forget about paying us back and if Haneul is anything like his dad, he won't take it. Plus, they have too much money, all we can do is just live our soft girl era."

"B-but... I feel bad."

"If Haneul wasn't doing this stuff for you, I would've hit him on that big head of his. You're his prince, he has to protect you and take care of you."

"Y-you know Mrs Kim... I-I really love him."

"You do," she asked with a wide smile. "He has his grandma's personality so... I was scared chile. He can be such an asshole."

Not all the time... just when people annoy him. It's often but never by me.

"H-he's always nice to me," I reassured. "M-maybe not o-other people b-but he always defends me."

"He's fallen pretty hard then. I've never meet one of his girlfriends," she admitted. "Never brought anyone anywhere near me."

"I-I bet h-he dated some p-pretty girls..."

Oh god, am I being insecure near his mom?

But I can't help it, he's wealthy, attractive, has a nice body and I'm supposed to believe he wants... me. Plain me. When he looks like the one who should get a modelling deal.

When he literally speaks to me, it's like I'm in a trance because his voice is so deep and soothing. Even when he's being rough, he feels so sturdy and reliable... he literally feels like protection.

He's so perfect.

"Now he's dating a pretty boy," she stated surprising me. "You have no reason to compare yourself to anyone, you're gorgeous too honey. Be more confident."

"B-but I'm p-poor and I c-can't give him anything."

"But your heart is also kind and pure," she assured with a soft smile holding my hand. "People like Haneul who already have so much find it hard to find people like you... people who still want to give someone who has everything something. That is so invaluable honey."

"I-I'll pay you b-back Mrs Kim-"

"I don't need that. I just need you to be by my son and I just need you to have this pure heart forever."

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