January 11 2023

15 4 0

Um heyyy,

Have you wondered that we humans always have that one favourite person in this world who we love a lot. I mean it. A lot. Probably sometimes even more than our near and dear ones who have done a lot for us. We love them for how they are and what they have achieved. Most importantly how they have achieved that.

We never stop reciting tales of our favourite actors or players and all the 'hardwork' they've done to reach those milestones.

Messi recently won the world cup. That too his last one. And I love to brag about it as it were my own. I could fight with my friends even for him.

But that's not the point.

Have we ever thought where we could be if we did what he did or anyone successful did.

I always thought I loved myself but no I don't. I don't even take care of myself. I don't see myself at top of the world. Because I don't care about me.

We all do this. We ignore ourselves even if we do it unknowingly. We still do it.

I thought that the ones who are successful have it in their luck. They have that something.
But no.
All it takes is that love you need for yourself. Even if people regret and try to change themselves it's hard. Most of the time atleast right. But let's be real. That's because we can only dream. Though we know that dreaming is not what matters. We think we can't do it. When we can.

We can be this wonderful person who we look up to. Even go much ahead than them all you need to do is work it.
And as hard as that sounds it's very easy.
The only thing you need is self love.

You just need to love yourself sooo much that nothing seems too hard to see yourself where you want to be. I know you see yourself somewhere. You dream about it.
And I also know
That you will achieve it.
You will be there.
Just believe in you.
This time say with me and MEAN IT.

I believe in me and I love me and there's nothing that is more than my love that can stop me from achieving all the things I want.

Love y'all
See ya

The Diary Of A Lonely Girl By Esmeray LoveWhere stories live. Discover now