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Um so lately it hasn't been great. Nothing has. Nothing is going right and I just can't cope up with it anymore.
No, nothing suicidal
I'm just done with everything. Everyone. Even me.
I don't know what is it but something is wrong with me. I'm not blaming anyone. I don't like people. Everybody hates me. My classmates. My parents don't think I'm capable. Even my best friend thinks of me as arrogant and selfish. Nobody wants me. I'm boring. I'm a liar. I'm selfish. I'm alone. And it's all my fault not theirs. There's no sarcasm here lol I started this book with my joke.

When I started writing I thought I'd write everyday and make it the longest book here but I'm sorry.

I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't do anything tbh.
I'm done with myself. And if the problem is with me I can't change it. I've tried a lot and I don't care anymore whether it's adolescence or my hormones. If anything is stable in my life then it is just people not wanting me.
And now I feel like even I don't want me.

This place has been the greatest place for me. The most honest I've ever been because I had no trust issues here and I could be me. And I love this place very much, much much more than anything else.

And I think what I'm doing here is just as useless as me. Even if I write things down here I feel empty. Not in the wrong way. But if no one can accept me then here also I'm just imposing myself.

There are a very few people in my life who've been nice to me. Either out of pity or because they respect me. And I can't be anymore grateful.
But nobody has ever accepted me. 

I think it's people who are the problem. I've blamed situations and I've blamed God.

If there's anything there is wrong, then it's me. Nobody wants me because I'm not something people want.

And I'll end my journey here because perhaps you don't like me either but you can't say it ofc lol.

There's a few people who've supported me all the time here. Good, bad or ugly.

Caththatsit You were the first one, and you'll be forever. I love you sooooooooooooooooooo much.

neverseen26 thanks for your support and love

Setsuna704 ily so much for always being there, till the end

PathanMirzan thank you

SabeenFatma thanks a lot and I love your profile pic

RudraAvatharam you're awesome girl, you rock. Thanks for keeping up always. Love you.

Eruibara2 love you loads, keep up well and thanks for everything.

ConradoDadios thank you so much

loisnyasani hope you're doing well and I'll pray everything gets fine and you become a successful writer. Love you.

Odufa143  You'll win that critiques award I'm sure. Sway it. Lots of love.

AngelAda403 thank you so much

wazanjichirwa7 thanks a lot for everything

BeautyQween217 love you so much and thanks for being there for me

KomuMalviya thanks for that spurt for encouragement, works a lot for me. Love you.

anku2007 you're the sweetest and even if you relate to me I know you're much stronger than me and you'll do much better. Hope you have a great future ahead. Lots of love.

HarapriyaMohanty you were so recent. Sorry I've to leave so soon.

All you people made my life thousand thousand times better than it was. Y'all gave me hope and support I could never get and stayed with me longer than anyone.
As I always say I can never thank y'all enough. But thanks a lotttttt and I love you soooooo much🥺🥺🥺

Also the people who've added this to their reading lists, best of luck with it lol
















Thanks a lot all of you too, hope you like it.

I hope that you all have a better future ahead. Become stronger. Lead a good life. And I'll miss you all so much. I never thought I'll get attached to some people I've never seen but here we are.
Thank you for all your support and this amazing journey. I'm always there if you need me. Just like you all were.

Thank you Wattpad for everything you've given. I fucking love you so much.
This is the last time I'm doing this, I'm leaving this place forever
Love y'all
Can't say I'll see ya

The Diary Of A Lonely Girl By Esmeray LoveWhere stories live. Discover now