Chapter Thirty-Five: Realizations

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Chris' Point of View

After Declan took Teeny to his room I went to the guest bathroom, since it was closer, to clean myself up. Watching Taylor go down on Dec and then ride him until she was satisfied was one of the hottest things I had seen. When I walked back out to the living room it was empty but I could hear Matt yelling at someone down the hall. I would have thought coming would have cooled his temper a little.

I walked into his office as he yelled into his phone, "I couldn't give less of a fuck, Matteo. I told you not to touch him. If you were close enough for him to fucking bite you then you were too close. Back the fuck off, we'll be there tomorrow." There was a long pause as Matt gestured to the chair in front of his desk. "Jesus fucking Christ, Matteo! Which one of us gives the orders? If I tell you we are going to be there tomorrow then clearly I'm not coming in tonight, am I? Don't be a dumbass. Have everything ready when I get there." He hung up the call and dropped the phone on the desk.

"Greg?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

He chuckled to himself, "Guess he's a biter. You know what that means."

"That I get to rip out teeth." Declan said, walking in and sitting next to me.

Matt leaned forward placing his folded hands on the desk, "Is she asleep?"

Declan's brow knitted together, "Yeah, she fell asleep a couple of minutes ago. Why?"

"What the fuck was that show in the living room?"

Declan gave him a small smirk, "Why? Did you like it?"

"Not the point. She should have been relaxing and healing, not blowing you and riding your dick."

"You didn't seem to hate it when you were sliding your fist up and down following my thrusts. In fact, neither of you did. I think you're just mad that you didn't get her, but the thing is she picked you first Matt. She has always picked you first but you always turn her down." Declan stood suddenly, "Don't be pissed because I gave OUR girl the attention she wanted even though you didn't want me to. You may be the boss of The Family, but she is the boss of our family." He stopped just before pulling the door closed, "Matt, I love you man but do not ever tell me what I can and can't do with the absolute love of my life. I will do anything for that girl, that includes defying you."

The second the door latched closed I looked around for a drink. Spotting the half-drained bottle of dark whiskey sitting on a shelf along the far wall I made it my mission to get to it before Matt said a word. I poured and drank a quick shot before pouring a glass for the two of us. Declan wasn't wrong with anything he said. Tot had control over all of us, even if she didn't know it, and it was stupid of Matt to even think he could control what we did with her.

Looking over at him with Tot on her knees in front of me was my biggest regret of the day. When she first got up I was confused but then I realized my mistake and hated myself for it. However watching her demand things from Declan and then take what she needed from him, quickly had my hatred dissipating.

I sat the glass in front of Matt as he groaned, "He's so fucking lucky we have TayTay now or I would have followed him out of this office."

"Mmhmm." I hummed into my glass as I took a sip.

"Spit it the fuck out Chris."

I took a deep breath and pulled my drink from my lips. "He has a point, Matt. You can't keep turning her down and then getting mad when we give her what she wants. You did it the first time I kissed her even though we all knew she wanted it to be you. You did it again that time Declan and I took Tot to dinner when she whined about hating the cafeteria food. You made up an excuse so you wouldn't have to take her. Then again tonight."

I paused giving him a chance to respond but when he didn't say anything I continued, "You act like all we want to do is toss her around like a ragdoll, tie her up, and fuck her like a wild animal. Sure the thought of tying her up has crossed my mind since she came back to us but it's not the only thing I want from her. I want to lay her down and take things so slowly she begs me for more. I want to draw the smallest of moans from her body as it shakes beneath me. Then I want to curl up with her in my arms and listen to her gentle snores and know she is getting good sleep. For once I want to wake up before her with enough time to make her a full breakfast and bring it to her in bed. I want these things because I love her. I don't just want to force her to her knees to please me."

His glass dropped to the desk a little harder than I expected, "You think I don't love her? She's the only girl I have ever loved. My whole life I have loved that girl. I protect her every day. We have stopped how many people from going after her over the years? Four different times?"

"Five if you want to count the thing with the Murphy's."

"Fuck the Murphy's, they're too chicken shit to follow through with anything they say. All I'm saying is I love her and everyone should know it. She should know it."

I looked at the wall behind him as I brought my drink back to my lips, "But does she?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

"All the protection you have done for her, aside from Ronan at the club and her dad today, has been without her knowledge. What have you done to show her that you love her? That you choose to love and be with her every day? Declan and I have a lot of time to make up for just because we walked away one time." I slammed the rest of my drink and left the glass on his desk before walking to the door, "What's your excuse for having time to make up?"

I left him with that thought as I headed for my room. I stopped in Declan's room, walking in without knocking. I told myself it was because I didn't want to chance waking Tot up but truthfully I didn't care what they were doing so long as I got to see her.

Declan's dark green walls and dark blankets made it hard to see even with the lights of the city offering a warm glow. I walked over to the far side of the bed and pulled the comforter down just enough to see her relaxed face. I loved watching her sleep knowing she was truly at peace. I glanced down at the bandages on her back taking note of the ones that were starting to bleed through the gauze. I would have to convince her to let me clean her up in the morning.

"Either get in or go away. Just stop ogling her." Declan whispered, making me jump in my skin.

If it hadn't been for her injuries I would have just laid down next to her and gone to sleep. Rather I just brushed her hair back and pressed a kiss to her temple. I covered her back up and walked out of the room.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the shorter chapter today but I can promise you that good things are in your near future.

Do you think Matty deserved to be put in his place by other two or did they over step?

Personally I think he deserved it, what's his deal anyway?

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