The Zombie Unicorn

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Chapter 4

Ruth ran to get Harlan Heidi was fussing refusing to wake Harlan who was cuddled up with Deck.

Harlan robed herself walking out the fridge that doubled as her bedroom Declan followed his skin hardly flawed and grafted. What is all the fuss? Oh god my Queen come fast hurry. They walked expeditiously to the medical room just as Ruth left him except he sat up in bed naked checking his skin in the tray.

Harlan grabbed Deck inhaling did he get the vaccine from silver city?  No my Queen he was bitten Ruth pulled the polaroids of the thigh bite that showed he lost a chunk of flesh that hung off. They were able to sew it back on not mark on him. He was 100% healed and no longer a zombie.

Harlan looked in his eyes neither diamond shaped proof the turn was complete. You say an animal bit you Scott? What kind?

It was some kind of twisted thing my Queen. She sat, an animal they experimented on that is now deformed unrecognizable a animal as we know it nevertheless an animal. Where did it come from my Queen?

Who knows Declan but we are going to find out and with this discovery we are not only keeping five points but all of lower Manhattan west of canal to the water. She touched Scots face keep him isolated Ruth. How many dates my Queen? Thirsty we can't expose him and everyone gets sick no we need to test his blood every day three times a day. 

Wake the medical team get the down here now close the door so we can have an emergency meeting then wake our swat team they have an animal to find.

The medical team was amazed they had hundreds of questions that could not be answered. Three people were made to stay in isolation with Scott for 30 days. Three members of the medical team with no family or romantic ties currently. Scott was seeing a woman but was not allowed to touch her while they figured this thing out.

Word spread fast in the ice compound about a magic animal with a human restored bite. The children named him the zombie unicorn. Harlan sent her trackers, trappers, swat team, and scavengers out to find the zombie unicorn the team that found him got the east wing suite. A part of the compound Declan created as a hotel suite to reward those who earned it for how many ever says Harlan said they could stay.

She offered six months in the suite one month for each team member who help retrieve the unicorn. Harlan called a court meeting every one was present all 80,000 teens parents and Zombie children.

Good afternoon

A few days ago we voyaged to silver city as many of you are aware. We met King Leviticus and Queen Psalm who stated in order for us to keep five points which sits on the water and is very valuable because New York has 10 months of winter. We have to bring something to him worth him allowing us to keep our land and homes.

I had no idea what I would do but Declan told me to pray to my God and I did the next day Scott was horribly bitten by a rabid animal which is not odd for us Zombies as we tangle with wild zoo animals often. Thank God king Leviticus caught the tiger.

We have all run from her huh? The Zombies that could laughed snapped clapped or stomped in agreement. Well today there is a Zombie Unicorn as the babies named it on the loose that turned Scott from this Harlan unrolled a blown up poster of Zombie Scott to this! She dropped a roll up poster of healed Scott.

Everyone inhaled followed by excited exhales, whisperers, and risen chatters. We are from home we have to catch the unicorn narrow down the cure, create the serum and pray to your God of choice it works.

You are under gag order do not discuss our findings in public or  amongst yourselves. Some zombies have extra sensory hearing such as Deck and can hear miles away. Be mindful if we have found a cure there are zombies that will cut every Zombie here down for it including the children.

Agree one? Agree All My Queen.
Every one kneeled Meeting adjourned. Harlan escorted Declan and his swat team to to loading docks she kissed him parting his sexy lips with her purple tongue. See you when you come home ill have you dinner ready they caught a deer this morning. Raw and bloody. Of course Declan just like you like it.

Declan looked up to Ruth staring out at him from the clinic he put his hand over his heart making her smile.

I know about you and Declan. Ruth turned around there is no me and Declan Heidi.

When you and Declan leave for silver city take me with you or I'll tell Harlan you are both in love.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now