Lab Trek

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Chapter 9

I told you she was on to you. What do you want Heidi Harlan's lackie.

I am not her lackey Im a herbalist my skills keep her pretty and stop her from rotting. You ain't as good as Queen Psalm.  No one is as good as Queen Psalm or her brother. I'd like to see her apothecary. Declan said she gave Harlan cough medicine and other tonics where is it Heidi?

The meds are locked in the sick bay like all the other meds.  Her infamous beauty balm? She stashed all 20 bottles for herself. I asked her to let me smell it so I can try and replicate it and she said no can you believe that Ruth?

I sure can the two whispered. Heidi walked around her room I love your room it looks so educated. She picked up a Polaroid pack of her and Declan some had his father and his dog in them. You all knew each other before you got here? Yes I was bitten Declan's father took me in experimented on Declan and I while he remained well.

How did he die Ruth? Mind went he was bitten hiding it for as long as he could. One day we went to his lab he locked himself in a cage he was rabid his brain mush. Took weeks before Declan ended his life. He cried for years one night we were running and we ran in here Regent let us in.

Harlan saw Declan how he was Zombie but still fine his skin in tact had all hos teeth she fell for him hook line sinker. Back then there were no rules Harlan wanted Declan if he said no she said we had to leave.

I was wounded he was tired for me and my safety he agreed she let him give me one night goodbye that is the last night he was in my arms. You love him huh? I did that's behind me now. Ruth did not trust Heidi thus her answer. I love someone. Who Heidi? Regent. Ruth grinned does he feel the same? No I have no idea how to get his attention Ruby.

He is fine as hell Heidi. Heheh that's true. Find out what he likes and speak with him a lot of girls are afraid to speak to Regent cause he is a top dog around here like Declan but they don't want Regent because of his heart. Id start there his heart. Thanks Ruth.

Ruth? Yes? When you marry Declan don't forget me? If I were to be so blessed of course Id invite you. Heidi chit chatted away about past weddings she'd attended and was in. She also talked of old movies. Ruth looked out her skylight the storm was picking up. She prayed for Declan's safe return.

Declan and his team kept tracking and trekking deeper into uncharted parts  of Manhattan that were still considered dangerous. Watch the ice he whispered under howling winds and creaky street signs. Declan looked up there is was Cyiosk Labs. He signaled to move forward and to be careful of weak flooring and thin ice.

Declan broke a window making his way in looking around it was totally abandoned in the lobby. He helped four other members in. Regent turned on his headlight while the others  looked around.

Psbsssbt! Declan pointed to his nose shock shook his head no. Regent checked the stairs pointing with an open fist. Clear Declan whispered as low that was humanly possible. Declan checked the directory experimental labs were on the 9th floor. Nine Declan whispered as Regent lead the way signaling at each stair step turn on every landing the next was Zombie free. All team members had thier knives out.

Knives made less noise then guns if red zone zombies were close fun fire would draw them knives were a silent killer. The team finally reached the 9th floor. The lab doors were unlocked and slipped open as soon as Declan stepped into the the eye of the motion detector. The team cleared the lab lights Declan said and they came on.

They must have a back up generator for the lab Deck. Don't touch anything in here Declan he pulled three burlap bags packing them with lab equipment. Beakers, scopes, blood sample tester's, anything to aide his cause.

Deck here... Declan walked to Regent as Shock and the others kept a watchful eye ear and nose.

Laptops they look like someone packed them and ran in a hurry here is another bag with tablets. Bag em up Regent good looking.

Declan walked in a small office off the lab he went behind the Desk...Ahhh! A hand grabbed his ankle pulling him to the floor dragging him under the desk.

The team tried to get to him but the door jammed tried to break the glass but it was shatter resistant. The four tried to pull the locked door apart while the  yelling for help of thier leader rang in thier ears.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now