Boobie Trap

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Chapter 6

Declan was up all night in the library reading old newspapers and articles he collected. He picked them up in any condition over the years taping the articles together and placing them in plastic sheets in three ring binders. Harlan would laugh at his attempt to save part of a fallen society one that would never be again but Harlan knew something she did not. One day they would need to so research walk into the past and since computers were down what would they reference?

That is what he loved about Ruth her desire to keep learning she would get so excited when Declan bought her medical journals or encyclopedias and heaven forbid if he found a complete set. Once he found the entire set of encyclopedia Britannica he heard of them as a kid. They were in his mothers basement collecting dust he took the trip to Brooklyn to get them for her hoping they were still there...they were.

He grabbed family photos and jewelry belonging to his mom to gift Ruth one day as his bride. Harlan wasn't education driven and he hated that about her but she was tough and that is how she started and kept her little village that was growing every day.

Two women he knew one day he would have to choose but thankfully it was not that day. He combed articles on the thousands of labs that popped up to fight the Z-virus. There were even black market scientist and doctors that lost licenses creating home labs to find a cure. Everyone was being heard and no one refused it all happened so fast till all the world were zombies and the humans became fewer and fewer.

He knew they would all die one day the ice and cold preserved them bought the time the vaccines from silver city added days not years. Whatever was inside of Scott he needed that. He needed to live for all this illness to be reversed to be what he was once a happy kid about to start NYU. Not a broken down teen fighting for his life in a post apocalyptic world.

This was his life this was it there had to be more things had to get better he had to make them better. Declan patted his eyes not wiped as wiping was harsh on the skin and you may pull up a piece of flesh that was ince your cheek.

He was dozing off when he found it. He couldn't believe his eyes it was a small article it seemed to be a lab no one gave a fuck about but they were doing something in that lab and Declan needed to know what. He had to treck it there nose around see if there was any research explaining what happened to to silverback behind. 

He thought of the silverback he grinned thinking of childhood trips to the zoo he would race to the  silverback cages. Why a silverback why? It must be because they are smart and mammals. Declan read the short article Cykosk Labs located in Chelsea Manhattan 545 Mulberry street and the West End highway.

Declan hooked up three car batteries in his private room of the library he and Ruth started when they arrived years ago now that they are considered founding members. Declan recalled how things were bad and rough and how they fought dead brain Zombies daily to survive grappling with code 6 zombies on land and in the water since it is impossible for them to drown because they are already dead.

There were good things about being Zombie like the apparent resistance to things that would normally kill humans but the bad part was you knew you would succumb to this disease and you know exactly how bad it can get.

Several times they took Zombie Teens to Silver City and they never made it out. Or so called Zombie specialists hidden in the city sometimes what they did worked and sometimes it made it worse. All experimenting Declan thought leaving the bodies of his friends behind autopsy him and document it Doctor Declan would request as a lone tear fell for bis fallen comrade.

Document it that was so important. He grabbed a note book writing all he knew medically about Scott he included the few polaroids taped in his note book. He mentioned nothing about the silver back not yet.

Declan placed the book in the floor hidden in a place only Ruth knew. Being the child of a scientist of genealogical research his father forced him to train under him. He recalled a lot and wrote all he recalled as it came to him fearful his mind would go soft and he would loose all his dad taught him.

Molecular cell restructuring is that what this is? Why did the silver back bite Scott? Did he pose a threat? Point a gun...knife?

Declan closed the library turning off the generator he made sure the two batteries were still charging safe and made his way to see Scott. He needed answers and Scott was the only one who could privide them.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now