Presentation Day

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Chapter 30

Leviticus prompted his under boss to move from the table. Talk to me Declan Leviticus pat the open chair. A nervous Declan sat in the room full of Zombies yet there was no sound. Leviticus stared in Declan's human eyes he heard his breathing which was normal and a heartbeat. His eyes widened the diamond shaped Iris' shocked at what they saw.

Leviticus inhaled Declan smelled human talk to me. He explained he and Ruth's transition and how he was forced to be with Harlan. How she sent hitters for him. Declan spoke using street terminology in an attempt to mask what he was saying from members of Leviticus' medical team who were older and did not understand street slang, he was right. Listening to Sheriffs advice he knew Levitcus understood.

I cut her loose I had to ya heard? She was trippin sendin hitters for my head. I had to let niggas know I wasn't fucking with them like that. I was gonna kill her but I let her live she tight I got the girl I love feel me my nig?

Leviticus grinned he reminded him of his younger self and he had to admit he loved New York slang his native home state. You sayin she a liar Declan? Yes sir
excuse me King Leviticus.

Ruth sir she pulled recording pressing play the room listened to a conversation Harlan had with the hyenas asking they get her on the yacht.  When the hyenas asked Harlan why, she answered so Declan will never live in Silver city.

Harlan paid the hyenas and I paid them my King for this recording. You knew she was on the yacht Ruth? Yes king Leviticus she slept on the boat the night before in the storage room below.

Declan stared at Leviticus jewelry it was everything they had but better. He wore a sweat suit and a t-shirt all his clothes were very loose Declan noticed so the material would not rub his skin causing it to fall off irritated. He loved his style it was definitely New York swag. He would be sure to bring that to Sheriff's attention  when they were alone and had a private conversation about all that transpired.

Harlan can you please step forward Leviticus called to her. Harlan stepped forward with her eyes low not looking him in the eyes. Yes my king how may I be of service? She asked humble in a sweet voice none of them heard her use before.

Is this you on the recording that Ruth has provided to dispute what you have told the queen and my trusted security today? Yes my king that is me on the recording. Why would you come to Silver City bearing false witness against a Zombie who is trying his best to get society on it's feet as I have?

I am upset with him my king, he promised he would never leave me, or lead me a stray yet here I stand before you without him and another woman is on his arm reaping benefits of all I should have gotten.

I understand you're upset Harlan but this is the way of the world and it has been like this before you are I wherever thought of. It is not odd for a man or woman to switch partners especially now that the fall of man has happened.

Men don't want to stay with a woman who is difficult young lady especially now when life is so precious and short. Life is not promise to us we can be here today and gone tomorrow as you have witnessed with your own eyes. Declan is a stand up zombie I have been around many men during my lifetime and never have I seen a young person with so much ambition in his eyes.

This is not to say he is incapable of heinous acts, however why would you come today of all days when they are meeting with the King and his counsel to review medical possibilities and lie on him?

This is an unscrupulous act on your part therefore I. King Leviticus sentence you Zomm Harlan five years of service here in Silver City. You are to remain in the Queens Council as one of her lady maids so she may teach you the Rights and Wrongs of how to treat people and members of this new Society we are building.

Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora