Kin Folk

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Chapter 16

A multi loud beeping woke a sleeping Decline. Suzy! Suzy! He saw a note from Harlan she is at school.

Regent go make sure Suzy is in school please. He tossed on his slippers walking out he returned fast. Yes she is. Good go man shower eat. Shock walked in mad. What's wrong with you? All of it gone how? More debt? From who and where? The tower? Most of those are senior citizens that survived the old world what are you doing messing around over there Shock? Cards! Haha Don't you know old timers play cards all FUCKING day in them nursing homes?

Get ya lab jacket lets try and get into the lap tops that have a password. Shock waved his hand. Sorry I forgot you were IT for the FBI and yes I recall the youngest ever hired blah blah blah crack the damn things open I'll see if you are as good as you say you are. Declan went to shower in the clinic and check in Scott who was eating food out his fever. DECLAN! How do you feel Scott?

Good man good Harlan says she needs me when we go to Silver city so I need to stay well. This is true man you are our ace in the hole. Deck? What's up? Rosalie she hasn't been to see me is she messing with ice again? No man Rosalie loves you. Then why hasn't she come man? You want me to drag her here?

Can you? Scott I will go see her for to u but no promises. Thanks Deck. Gimme a few days. Take Mrs. Gentra some soup man. The old Zombie in the senior tower 2C? Yeah. She is not supposed to drink hot substances Scott. She drinks it cold she just likes soup man. I forget you got senior duty 3x a week. Yeah they must miss me.

Im sure they do Scott im sure they are worried l'll check on them personal how is that? Yep thanks Harlan. You know old man Wilson in 7B Deck? Yeah. Come closer. Declan moved close between us he was a janitor in Star labs a parent company to the labs where the gorilla bit me.

Get this his father was a scientist there the company never knew they were related nepotism and all. He said they been working on the zombie virus since the 60's his father stole confidential information and when he passed left the books with Old man Wilson. When the fall of man happened he taped the books to his body he said if he were bitten and died at least someone would take the books as he walked dead.

Scott do you know what this means? Those books are the beginning the bible to this whole fucking nightmare. Deck what are you hoping to do man? Old man Wilson said they tries every fucking thing I heard a half man half gorilla showed up look what they did to him deck.

He is living proof they did all they could and still no cure. Scott how can to you say that holding a mirror up. You are 90% cured and its holding man something is up with that gorilla bite there is a damn link something they missed Scott if I can look at star labs research my dads research and the lab Suzy was born in maybe just maybe Scott I can find the disconnect. I have no fucking idea what that is or what the hell I'm doing but that wont stop me from charting all I learn for the next person who may finally fucking get it.

Scott smiled you'll get it Declan you know why? Why Scott? Cause you want it to help mankind or what's left of us your heart is in the right place that's why Allah will bless you with wisdom knowledge and truth my friend.

I hope so Scott. Go I called Mr. Wilson on the in-house intercom he is expecting you. Oh and Scott? Yeah man? When king Leviticus gets wind of this don't forget me.

How the fuck can I forget the proof? Why you think we take videos pictures and blood from you 3x a day man you the star of the show we need you man you focus on getting better and staying better.

Declan tossed on his bear skin rug walking across the connecting bridge they built to the towers. He needed those books he prayed they held answers he needed.

Declan knocked Mr. Wilson answered I've been expecting you I hear tell you met my father.
Sorry Mr. Wilson there must be a mistake I haven't.

Yeah ya did the name he gave you?


Black Zombie Teen Queen A Blk Qween Dystopian Horror Event A  Leviticus Spin OffWhere stories live. Discover now