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"Wake up, Mar." I heard Liv say as I peeled my eyes open. I checked the time to see it was 2:49am and I groaned loudly. "Liv, you know I love you but you have no business coming here at this time and waking me up at this time so either come and sleep or leave."

"Just get up, it's important." She turned on the light and I squinted at the brightness.

"Unless someone is on their death bed, I don't wanna hear it." I said tiredly, pulling my blanket over my head.

"Mar!" She whispered loudly.

"Wha-" I started, throwing the blanket off of me angrily.

I paused when I saw a pregnancy test in her hand. I snatched it off her to see it said pregnant and my mouth dropped open in shock.

"You're pregnant." She nodded with a huge grin on her face. I tackled her, hugging her tight. "Oh my- you're really pregnant. I'm gonna be an auntie." I shouted, completely forgetting how late it was.

"Girl, I can't breathe, let go." I loosened my grip on her and she laughed with tears in her eyes.

"Wait, we're happy about this, right?"

"Of course."

"What did Silas say?"

"I haven't told him yet. You're the first to know."

"Oh, Liv." I mumbled, feeling myself tear up as I hugged her again.

"I'm going to tell him tomorrow, hopefully he's happy about it." She laid down next to me, neither of us able to take the smile off our faces.

"I'm going to be growing a whole ass person inside me." She said, letting it sink in. "I get to be a mum."

"You'll be amazing at it." Liv nodded and turned on her side to face me.

"Where's Manny gone?"

"He said he wants to start sleeping in his own bed now. Literally broke my heart when he said it. My baby boy is growing up."

"I can't wait to have one of my own." Liv whispered happily.

It was the day of my date and Danny and Liv were supposed to help me get ready for it.

Danny had come in the morning and we were waiting on Liv. I hadn't heard from her since she had told me the news. She hadn't answered any of our calls and texts but we figured she'd just slept in and she'd be on her way in a bit.

"Spill right now, what's going on with you and Alexa."

"Please tell me you didn't tell Nikolai, he'd kill me. Alexa told me how overprotective her brothers are of her."

"So why did you fuck her?"

"Because I didn't know she was an Evans until after." He groaned loudly and threw himself onto my bed. "Do you know what the worst thing is?"


"That wasn't even the first time."

"Danny! How many times have you done it with her before?"

"Too many to keep count."

"How have we all somehow found ourselves in relationships with our hook ups?" I mumbled. "First Liv, then me and now you."

"Uh-uh. I'm not in a relationship. I told you I wasn't ready for that. I can't do that whole thing."

"Yeah, I told myself the same thing."

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