-twenty one-

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"Would you like me to go with you, to Celeste's house?"

"Oh God, could you?" He nodded. "I just really don't want to be there on my own. I can't trust myself not to throw a chair at that woman."

"I'll be there, for both you and Antoine." He kissed the side of my head and I smiled lightly. My tense body quickly relaxing.

"Thank you." I turned around, wrapping my arms around his neck, kissing him slowly. "I'm very grateful that I have you in my life, you're fucking amazing, you know that?"

"I try." He said with a smirk on his face, pushing his lips against mine. Niko's hands dropped to my ass, squeezing harshly, making me moan. He took the chance to push his tongue into my mouth, deepening the kiss and I laced my fingers into his hair.

We pulled away after a while, breathing heavily. I felt something press against my stomach and I looked down, noticing the bulge in his shorts. Nikolai's cheeks were tinted slightly red, making me laugh. "You ok, Niko?"

"I'm sorry." He muttered, breathing heavily and I shook my head. I smiled widely at him, letting out another laugh and he turned back to the pizza.

I watched as he started to shape the dough into a love heart and he stepped back, looking down at it proudly. "That's cute, I like it."

"You're cute, I like you." He said, turning to face me but his expression morphed into one of confusion once he realised what he had said.

"I bet that sounded so sexy in your head before you said it out loud."

He chuckled. "Yeah, it did. I'm regretting even opening my mouth now."

We finished the pizza and I sat back, letting out a sigh. "Niko, you're gonna have to make that more often, it was so good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He picked up our plates and rinsed them before putting them in the dishwasher. "Hey, princess, come here." Niko said softly and I got up, walking towards him to see what he was looking at.

I looked down at the small velvet box in shock, my eyes widening as I looked up at him.




Amari ran her fingers over the faint scar on my lower abdomen. "What's this, you have them all around your body." A bullet scar.

"I don't know what they are, they just appeared I guess." She looked at me unsure and I smiled weakly, hoping she wouldn't ask any follow up question.

Her hand moved gently over my burn scar on my hip. "What happened here then?" She asked softly.

"I- erm... when I was younger, I was out and the building I was in caught on fire."

One of my father's enemies had kidnapped me and tied me up in the basement of one of his warehouses. They tortured me for hours each day they kept me there. My father refused to pay the ransom so they tried to kill me. Instead of making it easier for me they decided to burn the building so I'd either suffocated to death or get burned alive.

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