-twenty six-

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I ran my finger along Niko's chest, tracing his tattoo as he slept. I started to press light kisses on his chest and he let out a quiet breath, a smile sitting on his lips. "Hey, handsome." I whispered softly.

"Good morning, princess." He responded, kissing my forehead. "You know I forgot to tell you, me and Manny played football yesterday."


"And we played against Jason and his dad. We won." I sat up slightly.

"Jason, the one who pushed Manny?"

"That one. He was crying after the game; it was hilarious. We started running around with out tops off." I let out a laugh and high five'd him.

"Nice, I love that for you two."

"I enjoyed spending the day with Manny, he's exactly like you. It's cute." He whispered, tracing his fingers down my arm absentmindedly.

Niko's hand dropped down to mine, playing with my ring before he intertwined his with mine. He laid kisses on the back of hand and a smile rose onto my face.

"Vous savez, vous êtes la meilleure chose qui me soit jamais arrivée. Je ne peux pas imaginer ma vie sans toi. (You know, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I can't imagine my life without you.)"

I was about to speak but my mouth quickly slammed shut when I realised he had just said it in French, almost perfectly. When did he learn?

"Niko?" He chuckled at my shocked expression. "How did- since when did you speaking French?"

"I started learning around the time I first met you. I noticed you start speaking French when you're experiencing any type of intense emotion. So I'm wanted to be able to speak to you whilst you're like that and save you the hassle from switching languages."

He looked down at me, trying to gouge my reaction and I smashed my lips against his. He kissed me back with the same force as he hand dropped down the grip my throat gently. I left him smiling into the kiss and I pulled away laughing.

"I'm guess I didn't completely butcher your language since you're so happy."

"No, you didn't, it was good. C'était très gentil de ta part de faire ça pour moi, merci. (It was very sweet of you to do that for me, thank you.)"

"De rien. (You're welcome.)"

"I can't imagine my life without you either, Niko."

We had spent the whole day at Niko's and decided to go back home for the night. I pulled up outside of our house and I sighed to myself when I remembered I forgot to go to the store to do the food shopping. "Manny, I need to go to the shops, do you wanna come with me?"

"Do I have to? I'm tired, Ma."

"No, you don't have to, baby. Come, let me put you to bed and then I'll go." I got up and went to his side, lifting him up and out of his car seat. He pushed his head to the crook of my neck as I walked us into his house and straight into his bedroom.

I got Manny changed into his night clothes and he laid down, pulling the blanket over his body. I ran my finger along his nose and he let out a quiet sigh. "Are we going to see Dad tomorrow?" It warmed my heart every time I heard him refer to Niko as that.

"Yeah, we will. So the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you can see him, ok?" He nodded. "Goodnight, baby. I love you."

"I love you too, Ma." He said tiredly. I went back downstairs, seeing Ant and Papa in the main room.

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