-forty eight-

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"I'm not convinced he'll believe all eleven turned on him so how about we cut down the number. We'll send three out of the country with a few other people to make it look like I'm sending men over to help one of our allies, we'll get rid of them slowly over the course of a couple of months. We can stage one suicide, AJ can let Omar know whoever it was couldn't handle the pressure. Then we'll send another three out in the field for a mission, a dangerous one they won't possibly come back from.

It is very important those things happen spaced out and in a believable order or it will not work.

That leaves four people, two of which will be caught by Omar. It's easier to claim only four people turned on him than eleven, right?" I nodded in agreement. "Well, then, it looks like we have a plan." I sighed in relief.

One step closer to all of this being over.

"Guys, can we have the room please? We'll finalise things tomorrow, for now, go spend some time with Alexa before she leaves." They nodded and made their way out. "Come here, princess." Niko said quietly. I sat on his desk in front of where he was sat and he ran his hands up and down my thighs. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm doing better now, I think I was just feeling overwhelmed and drained. I needed that nap."

"Are you sure?" He asked, his eyes full of concern.

"I'm fine, promise." I leaned down to peck his lips and he cupped my cheeks as he spoke against my lips.

"You came up with a good plan, I appreciate it."

"It was half of a plan, you did the rest."

"It won't be long until this is done, princess."

"It's never really done though, is it, Niko? This is your life, it doesn't just stop." I said quietly, making his expression soften.

"I don't want it to be and I don't want it to be yours either. Or Manny's or anyone else's in your family. I'll make sure it's not."

"That would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"What would you like?" I looked at him in confusion and he smiled softly at me. "When we start a new life, one that isn't this one, what would you like, princess?"

"A cabin." I said without hesitation and he laughed.


"Yes but not the tiny ones that are in the middle of nowhere. I want a huge, modern cabin. The sort of ones you see in a magazine and just stare at it for ages because it just looks so pretty. Or the kind you see in romance films.

It would have to be close enough to the city so I could come into the firm everyday but far enough for us to have peace and quiet. I want us all to live together. My siblings, your siblings, our parents, our kids. All our future kids too; I want them all to grow up together.

I want for us to be a big, happy, normal family. I want to have normal people problems, Nikolai." I watched his eyes tear up and he faced away from me. "I'm sorry... it's just something I've thought about a lot, I didn't mean to upset you."

"No, you did nothing wrong." He pushed my hair behind my shoulder and cupped my cheeks again. "I would very much love to have normal people problem too, Amari." I kissed his tears away and he held onto my thigh. "I'll get you your cabin, princess."



"You weren't even going to say goodbye?" I called out to Lex when I saw her at the door.

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