-forty nine-

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"My inside men are down to four. One of the total eleven killed himself." Omar said angrily, sitting down in the couch next to AJ. He handed him a glass and poured some whiskey in it.

"I thought they were your best men."

"They are." AJ scoffed and took a sip of his drink.

"And your search, any progress?"

"I've cancelled out many of my men."

"Translates to 'I have no clue who the rat is.'"

"Your lack of patience is worrying, boy."

"As is your incompetence, old man. Fix the problem you created and we will not have an issue." AJ said as he stood up.

Omar had been doubting the quality of the spies he had put in place around the Evans. After all, he'd never thought any of them would buckle under the pressure so what else was he wrong about?

"My spies... bring me two of them."

"For what?"

"Just do it." AJ nodded, happiness running through him, knowing Omar was going to test them to see if they were the double agents but he did his utmost best not to show it on his face.

"I'll make sure they're here within the hour."



"Princess, this is Jax and Mason Morgan." I smiled at them as I sat on Niko's desk.

"Ma'am." They said at the same time, nodding their heads.

"Did he give you two a location?"

"Yes, sir." Jax handed Niko a piece of paper. "He said there's a very important gun shipment coming in, which will aid them in taking down you guys. We were told to make sure you stay away from that area long enough to get the guns and weapons in without having any issues. Minimum, we're supposed to warn Omar if you do find out and try to intercept the drop."

"I know here, it's been abandoned for years." Niko said, looking down at the address. "Blue, send in a drone, check for squatters. If there are, get them out. Be discreet about it, Omar might have people around the place." Blue nodded and walked out with the paper in hand.

"Then what?" I asked.

"You said there had to be a slip up, right?" I nodded slowly. "We're going to blow up the building just like he did to my warehouse." My jaw dropped in shock. "That way to him, it'll look like we're trying to prevent his drop, he'll know these two fed us the information and he'll call them in. I'm wiring half the money to your accounts now, you'll get the rest when the full job is done."

"Thank you."

"You remember what you have to do?"

"Once Omar brings us in, he'll ask if we're working with anyone else. We withstand his torture for a while before giving up names. Jax will be the one to give up one of the names and I'll follow his lead and say the second name." Mason said.

"Once the other two have been brought in, he'll be questioning them, which is when AJ will give the signal for you guys to blow up a second warehouse, this time an active one. It'll draw Omar's attention away. AJ will tell him he'll take over. Once he's out of the room, AJ will get us out."

"I need you to understand the seriousness of this situation. This has to look real. If it looks staged, you'll end up dead. If he realises we've planned this whole thing, you'll end up dead. If you fold too quickly, you'll end up dead. Do anything wrong, well, you get my point."

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