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The door swung open. "Boss!" A man yelled as he hurriedly walked in.

"What, I'm busy." Omar lowered his gun. Relief washed over the three of them but AJ tried not to show it.

"A bomb went off at the nearby warehouse, there's casualties."

"Who did this?"

"We don't know yet, boss." Omar let out a string of profanity before giving AJ his gun.

"Deal with these two, clean it up and then come to the warehouse."

"Can't you get someone else to do-" AJ started, pretending it's not exactly what he wanted.

"Get it done, AJ. Body bags are in the corner." Omar left the room with the other man, which was when AJ felt a burning sensation rising in his throat before he threw up in front of him. He was never good with blood, couldn't stand the sight of it, especially at the scale in front of him.

He wiped his mouth before taking the gun, walking to the dead bodies. "What are you doing?" Mason asked.

"I have to make it at least sound like I'm doing what he said, just incase someone's close by." AJ said quietly. He cut the zip ties off of their wrists before picking out the body bags with the least blood in them. Omar was cheap so he often reused the bags, I mean who was going to complain? The dead people? I don't think so. "Get in."


"It's the only way to get you guys out without looking suspicious."

"I'm not getting in there, you put dead people in there. I'm very much alive!"

"Well, you shouldn't be so unless you want that to change, get in."

"No, definitely not-"

"Get in the bag, Mason." Jax said, handing it to him. He took it begrudgingly, mumbling to himself as he unzipped it.

"Just lie down in it for now incase someone comes in. We'll zip it up just before we get out of here." They nodded and did as he said.

AJ slowly walked to the dead bodies and rolled each of them on the plastics sheet they were on before sellotaping it together. His eyes watered at the smell and he did his best not to throw up again. He slid their bodies into the body bags and zipped them closed.

"Alright, deep breath in, Mason." AJ said jokingly but he actually did so, inhaling the dead body scent. "Idiot, you said it yourself, we've put dead bodies in here. Why would you take a mouthful of their scent?"

"You told me to!"

"I was joking. I'm leaving a small bit of the zip open so you can breathe. Don't move, dead people don't move." He nodded before calming his breathing and closing his eyes. AJ zipped it up and did the same with Jax's before stepping outside of the room. "You four, come and help me load these bodies." He said to the first group of men he saw.

Someone backed a truck into the room through a huge garage-like door before opening the back of it. Two of them lifted a body bag each before throwing it in the back of the truck. "Hey, careful with them!" AJ yelled, praying that wasn't the bag with either of the brothers in it.

"They're dead, why does it matter?" Shit. He thought to himself.

"Yeah... we respect the dead." He winced at the poor excuses but the men only nodded before going to get the last two bags, putting them gently at the back of the truck. "Thank you, back to your posts." They nodded wordlessly again and left the room.

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