chapter 16

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Jimin wasn't himself anymore. He opened her shoes and threw it somewhere. He tied her hands with his tie , opened her dress, and threw it on threw on the floor. He held her throat so that she doesnt move her face and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.  Tears rolled down his cheecks . He kissed her harder. Yn was getting scared, but still, she kept quiet like a dead person. He left hickies on her sweet spots on the neck.assaged her breast with one hand, and nibbled her belly button . He saw purplish blood clots over some parts of her body. He left wet kisses on her stomach and went down on her. He kissed on the bruises on her feet ,her knees ,her thighs . When he was going to open her underwear, he looked at her just to see an expressionless face of her.

He knew he went overboard. His jealousy led through this. He sat down with his hands on his heads and brraking down. Later, he untied her and pulled her into the tightest hug after covering her . It was so late that they fell asleep there.

In the morning ,they woke up and saw their condition.  Yn got up and wore her clothes without making any noise when Jimin held her hand. With her free hand, she freed her other hand and without looking back .

Jimin was so frustrated that he wanted to end the whole world.
"What the fuck was I fuckin thinking?!!" He shouted at himself and banged his hand on the wall.


Jimin hurried back to his house and wanted to clear things up with Yn. He just knew he could never give upon that girl. He just knew she had to be his.

He took his carkeys and left for her apartment.

He reached. He was going to enter her building when Yeji pulled him away and took him to the corner. She slapped him.
"For the first and the last time, I will say this Jimin , STAY AWAY FROM HER IF YOU WANNA LIVE. "

"I can't.  Don't you get it, I fuckin I love her. " she shouted.

"Enough," she raised her voice.


"Another game , another lie?? Or is it genuine because you feel guilty?"

"No , I am frikin sorr-"

"Don't say that ! It's not your fault that you didn't love her . I am pretty sure she  didn't, too ....what you did is break her trust. "

"I know what I did ;I can change it . I can make it rig -"

"You think you know her well enough ? Huh? just know what she wants you to know. You are alive because she spared you . One more time ,it's over for you. Trust me. You don't know the girl she is. She is doing well without you in her life, so stay fuckin away from it !! "

"I can't . I can't bec- it is"

"Cool. Do you want to know her?? " she gave him an address." Come here tonight. I'll meet you there


Past midnight.

At the address.

It was the address of an observation room. He came and sat. Yeji arrived later.

"Why here?"  He asked.

"See that ?" She pointed to the bike racing team . There were 10 racers. Everyone cheered . They gambled. The crowd wooed . The gun was shot.

The race started. The person in red knocked 2 out with a simple slip. One by one aid was called. No one went wasy on anyone. They raced as if their life depended on it.  Gradually, only 4 were left; others were injured ,two passed out.

It came down to 3 .

"You see, when they race , they show no mercy. Mercy will be shown only once you give up . Or else if you win. Jimin, you will never win . You did the one thing Yn hates the most : break her trust. Her heart was never anyone's to break ;she was enough to break her own. You don't know what she is. Not even 10% of her. She is not someone you can randomly toy with. "

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