The night market part 1

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First encounter with The Owl Lady

I walked trough the different streets of Bonesborough on my own. Edric, Emira and I planned to meet up at the night market. No one of them said in front of which stall though. To be honest I was a little cautious and my steps were way bigger than usually. I wore a long hooded cloak to hide my appearance. I was full of age but still didn't feel very comfortable in the dark walking past strangers. Suspicious strangers.

I sighed. Those dorks better occur somewhere any second...
My thoughts got interrupted.

„What is a young good-looking lady like you doing at the night market at such a late time?"
Someone asked and suddenly stood right in front of me. He looked like a bigger version of Braxas. Big mouth, dangerously sharp teeth and his skin was only flesh. Also his voice was extremly deep and monotonous.
I took a step back before I responded.
„I don't think that's any of your business. And if you excuse me, I have things to do."
I tried to walk past him but he didn't let me and pulled down my hood, exposing my complete head. I narrowed my eyes and glared at him madly. „Go away."

He chuckled and crossed his arms. „A girl your age could need someone like me on her side. I'm not the only one whose attention you caught."
I looked around and saw other creatures staring at me. I swallowed hard and took some steps back, bumping into the back of another person. Quickly I turned panically around.

The Owl Lady

She also wore a cloak with a hood on and next to her stood a small cat looking creature with a skull on its head. Actually I was relieved even though the most wanted criminal stood in front of me.

„How long will you keep staring at me, kid?" She asked while looking sternly in my face.

My cheeks began to flush and I felt the heat rising in my face. „I'm sorry. I just had a weird encounter. The night market is quite overwhelming." I turned around to look for the creature that was hitting on me some seconds ago but couldn't see it anywhere anymore. Weird.

The owl lady's eyes followed my gaze trough the surroundings. Then her eyes landed on mine. „It is. Also very dangerous. Where are your parents?"
I rolled my eyes. „I'm of age."
The owl lady rose an eyebrow and scanned my whole body with her bright golden eyes. I felt awkward so I interrupted whatever she was trying to do. „And you? Aren't you wanted?" I pointed to the wanted paper right next to her on the wall. „This is you! Isn't it? See you also shouldn't be here."
She chuckled, ripped the paper off the wall and stuck it into her hair. Yes, into her hair.

„Whoever this good-looking woman is they're looking's not me." A light smirk widened on her pale face.

„I don't think the woman on the poster is that good-looking to be honest." I replied with a mischievous grin on my lips.

„Hey!!" she snarled and furrowed her brows at me.

Seconds later she realised that she had just exposed herself. Her eyes widened and I even detected a slight color change on her cheeks.

The cat looking creature started laughing hysterically.
„She really got you Eda!!"

My eyes widened. Eda, that's her name?
I smiled lightly and opened my mouth but got interrupted.

„We have to go now. King be quiet." She glanced to me one last time, picked up King from the ground, carried him in the bag around her belly and walked past me.

„Bye Eda." I said softly and kept watching her leave, hoping she'd turn around once. And she did. Our eyes met for a second and then I turned around quickly. Blushing.

Why am I like this?

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now