Most powerful witch

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One night later at the Blight's manor
Back to your POV

I spent the night, after the escalation at the night market, at the Blight's manor with Edric and Emira. Odalia usually never allows any visitors for her kids and well this time it was no exception. I was there without any allowance.

„Good morning cutie pie" Emira yawned.
„Good morning Em" I greeted back with a smile on my face. „I got good news for you"
„Tell me now" I demanded.
„Luz responded to my last post. The picture of yesterday. She'll be at the daily market today helping Eda out with her stall. Wanna go?"
I nearly squeaked. „Of course I wanna go!"

Emira giggled at my childish behaviour and I couldn't help but giggle as well.
„But wait, what should I wear???"
„You can borrow something out of my closet. I don't mind. And I think I got the perfect outfit for you in my head" she winked at me.

Minutes later she set a pile of clothes on her bed.
I held up the first set. „What is THAT?"
Emira pressed her lips together to restrain herself from laughing. „Well, that's an owl costume. I mean since she's The Owl Lady you might point well with an owl costume."

„You definitely are a complete dork"
I threw the costume at her. The second set was way better. It was a black top with long sleeves and a V cut. Adding to that a purple skirt and purple/black gauntlets.
„I rather choose this one."
I grabbed it and ordered Emira to turn around.
After I put it on, I walked to the mirror to judge myself. Emira turned back to me again. „Wow, you look better than I thought you would."
„I do look good." I said and held my hair up, posing with a duck face.
With a hair tie I formed my hair to a ponytail. „Now I'm almost ready to go."

After washing myself, putting on perfume and waking up Edric we made our way to the daily market.

It didn't take us much time looking for Luz and well Eda since Eda's voice was impossible to ignore.

„Yep that's Eda" Emira commented.
„We're gonna go to Luz so you can have some private time with Eda. Have fun, Y/n."  With that being said Emira crossed arms with Edric and walked to Luz. It looked like they kidnapped her but at least Luz could ask Eda if she can join the twins for some minutes. King of course followed Luz.

I let some seconds pass and then walked to Eda's stall.

„I'd love to buy two products for the price of one that is actually the price of two" I remarked while checking out the things she offered on a long table.

„You" she said with narrowed eyes.

„Y/n. I never introduced myself I noticed. So what's your recommendation?"
I looked between some weird rubber balls, an ice hockey stick and a shirt with the initials „I love Milfs".
I wonder what that means.

Eda kept staring at me but then realised that I was being honest and really interested in buying something.

„If I were you I'd buy the stick just to hit other people and your enemies."

Her words made me smile but I shook my head. „I fear that's not very legal, Miss Eda The Owl Lady."

„Pff who cares about what's legal and what's not? I-"
she suddenly got on top of the table.
„am the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles."

Every person nearby turned their head to Eda and I facepalmed myself.

„And you're also wanted. So please stop attracting attention and get down."

„You little girl.."
she pointed at me
„cannot tell me what to do"
everyone is still watching us.
little girl? Calm down Y/n, calm down.

„Fight! Fight! Fight!
They yelled.

„Eda, please just get down."
she seemed to ignore my comment.
How stubborn can someone be?

Guards began to approach the scene.
„THERE SHE IS!" a costumer screamed.

Eda instantly bent down, grabbed my arm and lift me up to also stand on the table.
„Time to go. OWLBERT!"
A wooden owl flew to us and transformed into a stick.
„Hop on, Y/n."
I didn't ask any questions and did as she said. With me and also her human stuff she flew on her stick trough the sky.

„Ha! That was hilarious!" she chuckled while sitting on the stick in front of me.

„You were in danger!" I panicked.

„Danger? These idiots can't even catch a fly" she scoffed.

I looked around at the trees below us with a light grin, holding tightly to the stick even though I wished I could just wrap my arms around her belly to hold tightly on to her.

„Well it was indeed adventurous."

Some seconds of silence passed.

„So Y/n how come you weren't with your friends? The twins?"

„How do you know we're friends?" I asked surprisingly.

„Luz can never shut up" she calmly said.

„They had other plans" I responded.
Actually they just disappeared to get Luz away from you so I could have more private time with you and now I'm sitting on your flying stick oh god how that sounds and well I'm also freaking out inwardly but won't show you because you'd think I am a freak.

„Bad for you. Now you have to spend your time with an old lady you barely know."

„My life could be worse."

Eda smirked at my response and glanced down to the ground.

„We're halfway there. At the owl house."

„Your home?" I asked hesitantly with a light blush on my cheeks.


The course changed and she flew straight down to the ground.

Before we could hit the ground and die she stopped in the air only some inches away from the grass.

„We're there."

I jumped down, she then did the same. The stick transformed back to the owl and sat down on her shoulder.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now