One step closer

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Her voice almost made me freeze.
That I have an absolutely huge crush on you and dream of having a thing with you?
No never.

I quickly turned around with a bright red head and a nervous grin. „That the pancakes really taste great!"
Eda then gave me a wide smile filled with pride. „I'm glad, Edric probably didn't leave you many."
She looked at him a little irritated.

From the look on his face, he felt guilty.
„We should go now, we don't want to bother you anymore, right Ed?"
She patted him on the thigh. He grimaced. „That's right." He put the last pancake back on the plate and jumped down from the counter.

"You touched it, you eat it."
Eda narrowed her eyes, clearly still annoyed that Edric ate ​​most of the pancakes.

"Eda narrowed her eyes, clearly still annoyed that Edric ate ​​most of the pancakes

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So he quickly stuffed the last pancake into his mouth and chewed. I laughed, as a result Eda's eyes softened and she smirked slightly at me.

Emira walked with Edric to the front door and stood there with him. „Are you coming Y/n?"
I looked at Eda, our eyes met again, as if I was waiting for her reaction. But she remained silent and looked as if she was thinking about something right now.
I looked at Emira and nodded, they were extraordinarily waiting for me.

„Thank you for your hospitality."
I took a few steps towards the door, but Eda grabbed my arm and pulled me back. My eyes widened and I looked at her in confusion.

She was still holding my arm. „Open your hand," she demanded in a commanding yet quiet voice so only I would hear. I opened my hand. She pushed a small piece of paper in and then closed my hand into a fist. „Read it when you get home." I nodded and tucked it into my bra since I was still wearing the dress from the birthday party.
Eda's gaze fell on my cleavage, but she was more surprised and curious than aroused. „You won't lose it, right?" she asked just to make sure. „It's as safe in there as it is in your hair." She laughed „Okay kid, you better go now. Your friends are getting impatient."
„Bye Eda"
„Bye Y/n."
We both stood there, overwhelmed, neither of us knowing how to say goodbye after lying in the same bed together for the night. I offered her to shake my hand. She looked a little confused, but shook it anyway. Afterwards I quickly left the house, embarrassed by that action.
Hooty was still sleeping, which didn't surprise me. He was very active yesterday, Lillith's voice took me out of my thoughts.

„Well, there you are!" she was currently kneeling in the grass with a hat on her head, a shovel in her hand and was digging some herbs out of the ground. „Rough night?" she asked, smiling, relatively cynically.
Is that an allusion?
„I dont know what you're talking about. I heard you're staying here all day today?"
„Yes I am busy."
My gaze wanders to the ground in front of Lillith. „With digging?"
We said goodbye to her and flew back to the Blight's Manor. From there I continued alone to my own house, which was more like a hut. I found it when I arrived in this dimension. I unlocked the door and sat down on my way too hard single bed. I took the note out of my bra and carefully opened it.

She wrote a number on it with the note:
In case you want to reach out to me. ;)
I squeaked, my hands were shaking in excitement and my eyes were widely open.
I jumped up and ran through the room happily. Then I stopped in it's middle and looked thoughtful. When should I text her? Should I text her that I just got home or should I keep her waiting so I don't seem too clingy or desperate?
Instead of Eda, I texted Emira, asking her for advice. Of course she wanted me to text Eda immediately. But since it was in the afternoon she must already be on her way to the market or working. I'll text her in the evening.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now