The owl house

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I followed Eda and stopped in front of a large house made from white brick with a sloping blue roof. A stained glass window above the door gave the impression of a large orange demon eye.
A crumbling stone tower with orange moss growing on it is located to the rear left of the house.

„Wow! Eda it looks amazing!"

„Tell that Hooty."
She walked to the house and up to the door.
I followed her and stood behind her in front of the door.

„Hoot-hoot password please."

A wooden owl's face was stuck directly in the door talking to us in a shrill voice.
I never saw such a door ever.

Eda picked his eyes with two fingers.
Poor Hooty
„We got no time for this Hooty, let us in."

He opened the door and before I walked in, I turned my face to Hooty.
„I like your house Hooty. It looks amazing."
Never thought my words could make him cry though...

„Ooohhh thank youuu. No one ever said that to meee!" *sniff sniff*
Then he hugged me, well almost suffocated me.

„He's sensitive, yeah" Eda admitted and slapped hooty's length.
„Don't kill our guest, Hooty."

„Sorry Miss..."
Hooty muttered with tears in his eyes.
„Y/n" I said smiling.

„I like your name!" he screamed into my face.

Eda pulled me back from Hooty from behind and swept the dirt off my shoulders.

„I apologise. He's always like this."
We both looked to Hooty and he licked an insect off the wall. We shivered.

„It's fine, really."

Eda lay down on one of the couches.
I stood in front of her, not knowing if I could sit down as well.
„Are you again just gonna stare at me?" she asked with closed eyes.

„How do you..."

She opened her eyes, stared in mine and smirked confidently. „Wouldn't be the first time, Y/n. Caught you again, huh?"

My cheeks flushed heavily and I went red like a tomato. „You wish."
I gave her the dead stare but due to my red skin it didn't work.

„Blushing because of me, kid?"

Ah I see you have fun by teasing me. Wait for me to tease you back.

„First of all, I'm not a kid. Second of all, I mean the sight of you laying on the couch all by yourself does indeed seem quite attractive to me." I crossed my arms and glared at her.

She coughed and sat up.
„Oh shut up."

„Caught you off guard, didn't I?" I snapped excitedly.

„No" she hissed and looked away.

„You're blushing!" I yelled happily.

„I'm not."

„You ARE blushing!"

„No! I am not blushing!

„Hehe I see you blushing."

„You're blind."

„Your face is red."

„That's an allergic reaction."

„Towards what?"

„Towards you."

I started laughing and hit her with a pillow.
I didn't expect her to hit me back though.

„Okay here you get the fight! PILLOW FIGHT!"
I roughly hit her head with the pillow continuously, she hit me back but even harder. We both laughed and sometimes she even snorted and grunted.

Completely exhausted the pillow fight ended with a tie and we both lay on the couch with our legs on the ground next to each other.

„You did blush" I claimed.
„Maybe a bit" she mumbled.
I turned my face to her and smiled brightly. She had gazed at the ceiling but as she noticed my gaze on her, she also turned her face to me.
„It will stay our secret, clear?"
„What?" I grinned.
„That the possibility of making me blush exists. It's bad for my reputation."
I giggled. „The most powerful witch reputation?"
„A powerful witch always has the control over herself in any scenario. You however seem like my new weakness."
I gulped and smiled awkwardly.
„I- hehe uhm I love Milfs?"

Eda furrowed her brows in confusion.
„You love Milfs?"

„I mean - I decide for the shirt! The human stuff you sell.. I take the shirt. It took much time to decide but yeah I'll take the shirt."

For a second ruled pure silence and then Eda started laughing hard, snorting right into my face.

„ you know what Milfs mean?"

„No, I have no idea."
She continued to laugh at me or the situation, I'm not sure but once she calmed down she got up and weirdly pulled the shirt out of her hair.

„Do you keep everything in your hair, Eda??"

She shrugged. „It comes in pretty handy."
I sat up on the couch, she sat down next to me.

„Arms up."
I raised both my arms and Eda pulled the shirt down on me. It was red with a white font.
„Here you go. Looking hot."
Eda winked at me, causing my stomach almost to explode trough all the butterflies. „Thank you" I responded.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now