Watch me undress (18+)

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When we arrived in front of the owl house, Hooty greeted us in his shrill voice.


„Hello Hooty" Eda said emotionlessly and opened the door to let us all in. As I walked past her through the door, I smelled her faint scent of alcohol mixed with the smell of lemons. She didn't take her eyes off me, which wandered up and down over my body.

„By the way Y/n, you look lovely today."
I giggled at her compliment. „Thanks, you don't look bad either."

Luz yawned. „I'm really happy that you two get along so well. I would go to sleep now and take King to bed with me. Good night."
She hugged Eda tightly. „Thank you for this wonderful evening."
She turned to me. „It's nice that you came too."

and so she went up the stairs with the sleeping King in her arms.

As soon as Luz was out of sight, Eda and I looked at each other.

„Are you tired?"

Yes, but I don't want to waste this opportunity to get closer to you.

„No, you?"

„No." Eda grinned and took a few steps towards me, then placed a strand of my hair behind my ear.

„Tell me Y/n, have you ever been in love with a woman?"

„Never as much as now."
I grinned at Eda, which made her smile.

She said the word slowly and deliberately and suddenly stroked the back of her hand against my warm cheek.

„I'm a little drunk, Y/n. I want to be in all my senses when I enjoy you. I hope you understand that?"

Enjoy me?

The heat was getting to my head, there was definitely tension in the air.

„I feel the same way, my head is pounding a bit too."

„Then let's sleep."

I nodded. I didn't want to be intrusive, even though I didn't want to end the night like that.

Eda took my hand in hers and walked with me upstairs to her bedroom.

„You don't have any sleeping clothes. Would you like some of mine?"

I nodded. She went to her closet and pulled out a long nightgown. It looked a bit old-fashioned, but would have suited Eda.

„I'll look away." Eda turned around and covered her eyes with her hands.

„I wouldn't mind if you watched me while I changed."

„Oh, if that's the case..."
She turned back and took her hands away from her eyes. She grinned broadly and waited for me to take off my clothes, which put me under a bit of pressure.

„I think it would only be fair if we both get undressed and changed."

And so I saw Eda's hands on her dress, she pulled it off over her head as if it was nothing. I saw her standing in long black, delicate, transparent stockings, a red bra and red panties. Her cheeks turned almost as red as her underwear. She slowly pulled the stockings down her pale legs. I couldn't look away.

Holy shit

„You are beautiful," I said quietly.
Eda looked at me and smiled. „Now it's your turn. Show me what you're hiding."

I turned around and showed her the zipper on the top of my red dress. „I could use your help."
She approached me, I heard her slow footsteps on the floor. Then the zipper slowly moved down, I felt her breath gently against my neck, I got goosebumps and her fingertips touched the bare skin of my back as she pulled the zipper down teasingly slowly.

She then took the sleeves of the dress and pulled them down from my arms. I stood in front of her in a black bra and panties and knew she would be staring at me from behind.

„You really are magical, Y/n, you know that? I could look at you for hours."

I giggled sheepishly. „Just looking?" I asked provocatively.

„Don't tease me now, I'm currently controlling myself well enough not to tear the last bits of material from your body."

I turned around and she saw my breasts wrapped in a piece of fabric called bra for the first time. She stared directly at it without hiding it in any way.

„It's quite tempting I must admit."

I giggled again and took Eda's hand in mine. We were standing in front of each other so close now.

„Why don't you show me your nest again? I already forgot how it looked and felt like."

Will Y/n and Eda take the next step or hold back their desires for each other? Find out in the next part!

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now