A different boat trip

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Today was the day. The day on which Eda would spend time with Raine instead of me.
I looked at my phone while I was still lying in my bed. No message. From nobody. Not even from Emira.

And then a call from Edric.

I put the phone to my ear.
„Edric" I knew he would smile.
„Good morning Y/n, did I wake you up?"
„Since when do you wake up before me?" I asked, completely surprised, but added
„No, I was already awake."

„Yes, a rarity, isn't it? I wanted to ask you if you would like to go on a boat ride with me?"
„Boat ride?" I asked a little surprised.

„Yes, but it's a paddle boat, not my father's big ship."
I grinned into the phone. „Sure"
I don't have any plans anyway and a little distraction won't harm me.

„I'm glad, I'll send you the location. We meet there. Try to be there in an hour."
„Til then."
I hung up and got out of bed. I searched my wardrobe for clothes that would be suitable for a boat trip but also looked good. I wasn't after Edric, but there was a small chance of meeting Eda by chance.


I unlocked my phone and looked at the notification. It was Edric's location.
Of course, the message was from him.
I changed my clothes, tied my hair into a ponytail and had a quick breakfast. A toast had to be enough. I took an apple with me and made my way to the large mountain meadow. The location was a bit hidden. If I didn't know Edric, I wouldn't go there. After a few minutes of flight time I arrived on time. I saw him sitting on the floor with a hammer in his hand and the boat placed on the ground in front of him. That was the first time he seemed a little more mature than usual. So serious.

„Helloooo" I startled him from behind. He flinched and turned around.
„Hi Y/n, nice to see you."
I looked around. „Why isn't Emira there?"
„She's busy with Amity in the library today. Does that bother you?" Edric looked a little nervous, as if that wasn't entirely true. But I didn't ask any further. „No, that doesn't bother me." He smiled broadly and then hammered a nail into the wooden boat. „We're about to get started, I just have to fix something quickly." „No stress."

A few minutes later we were already sitting on the lake in the boat. We were silent most of the time until Edric spoke up.
„Now that we're alone, I wanted to ask you if the Eda thing is actually meant seriously?" I looked at him confused.
„The Eda thing?"
„I thought maybe that was all just a joke?"
Now Edric even sounded hopeful and I noticed what this is all about. It wasn't just any meeting for him, but a date.
„I'm drawn to Eda, yes. I really like her."
He looked at me in disbelief as if I had said something wrong.
„She's way too old for you. She's in her forties. You're just y/a"
I felt ashamed and looked to the side.
„That doesn't change anything." I felt the tight air and sitting in a boat with Edric felt more than uncomfortable. He paddled faster. „Sometimes I really don't understand you."
„You don't have to."
„But I want to"
There was silence once again until he broke it.
„You know that she has both feet on the ground, has work, Luz and King, doesn't she? She is like a mother to the two of them. She will definitely not have the nerve for another child, certainly not as a partner."


And although Edric was my best friend, I hated him at that moment.
„You hurt me when you say something like that." He looked a little guilty and depressed. He said nothing.
„Edric, are you in love with me?" I asked him emotionlessly. Our eyes met and for the first time I recognized the deep grief in his orange eyes.
„For a long time, Y/n." He sighed and I felt bad.
„But don't feel bad now if you don't feel the same way. I was hoping that you would have feelings for me too."
„I'm sorry."
We both looked away.

I sighed, I didn't want the boat trip to end awkwardly so I spoke up.

„Today Eda is meeting an old good friend of hers for whom she once had feelings. Maybe still has. So things are not going well for both of us today." I said out of nowhere.

„I'm sorry for you." We both smiled at each other weakly.
„I'm afraid of losing her. That sounds crazy because we're not even together. But you would understand me, right?" Edric nodded. „I know exactly what you're talking about." He smiled and took my hand in his. I wanted to withdraw, but let him speak first. „Whatever will happen, I promise you that we will remain friends and that today will not change our friendship. I'm always there to listen to you and if Eda doesn't recognize your value and wants a guy, then fuck her!" I giggled a little and looked at him gratefully. „Thank you Ed."

We stared at each other and I felt that the moment would be the one where you kiss the other person, but the only person I'd like to kiss was Eda. I quickly looked away and destroyed the tension. After the boat trip we lay on the meadow and stared at the sky.
„Do you think we would have become a couple, wouldn't you have met Eda?"
„Is it because of me?"

DING - one new message

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now