Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of us all?

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Weeks later
Your POV

I knew today was the day we all would celebrate Luz's birthday and I couldn't help but feel extremely nervous about it.
It has been weeks...

My palisman, a blue butterfly flew towards me and landed on my nose. I sneezed and giggled. „I'm also glad to see you buddy. I need your help. I'm looking for a nice dress and shoes. Do you think you can help me?"

It flattered with its wings as a yes and transformed into my staff. I smiled and shook the staff over my head. Glitter and sparkles fell down on my body and changed my whole outfit into a beautiful glimmering ocean blue dress and comfortable well fitting ballet flats that sparkled.

Even the mirror itself was impressed.
„Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the prettiest of us all?"
A face appeared in the mirror and it blinked oftentimes before opening its mouth. „Oh ma gawd, look at you! Whaaat?" The mirror stated in disbelief. „That ain't my Y/n! Who are YOU?"
I laughed in amusement. „It sure is me. Too overdressed?" I asked a bit worried.

„Dressed perfectly for our wedding. Now and here. It's a yes from me."

I kept giggling at its reaction and also blushed lightly. „Thank you mirror. I feel flattered."

„As yo should. You got a date or sum?"

I smirked knowingly. „No date yet but maybe soon. It's Luz's birthday party."

The face of the mirror raised all two eyebrows. „That girl is a child! You crazy?"

„No! I mean no date with Luz. My eyes are all on Eda." I smiled with blushing cheeks.

„The owl lady?? You be trippin'."

„No, I'm for real! She's..."
I turned my head to the side and looked up. „Amazing."

„Okay okay lovebird, got you. Then get that momma and keep me up to date."

I nodded excitedly and walked out of my room. The face in the mirror disappeared.

Outfit check, Luz's present check. Pick up lines check. Sleep wear check. Can't believe I'll stay there overnight.

I went trough all the things that I listed on my to do list and hopped on my own staff. „Let's go Lowey. I'll meet the twins there."

My butterfly staff rose up into the sky and flew in the direction of the owl house.

It only took me 10 minutes travel time before I arrived there. I hopped down, the staff turned back into a butterfly, rested on my neck and turned into a beautiful necklace. I straightened my clothes and tried some breathing exercises.
Okay you can do this. You'll just walk there, greet Hooty and get shoved inside the living room. It's no problem really. You'll see Luz, King, the twins, Willow, Gus, Amity and Lillith there. Oh and Eda. Eda! Ahhh!

My breathing became faster but I forced my feet to move towards the door, trembling.

Eda Clawthorne x female reader / Love means PassionWhere stories live. Discover now